摘要: | 環境(environment, E)、社會(social, S)與治理(governance, G)為永續性發展指標,代表一個國家對永續發展的重視程度,進而影響銀行的商業模式與永續性的落實。因此,本研究以西歐國家銀行為例,探討商業銀行與合作銀行成本效率之差異,並進一步針對商業銀行分析ESG對銀行成本效率之影響。本研究對象包括德國、法國、荷蘭以及比利時,研究期間為2010年到2020年。首先利用隨機邊界法(stochastic frontier analysis, SFA),探討逾期放款比率、資本適足率、淨利息邊際、成本收入比率以及流動性比率對其銀行成本效率之影響;接著採用隨機共同邊界法(stochastic metafrontier approach, SMF)估計商業銀行與合作銀行之共同成本邊際函數,求算技術缺口比率(technology gap ratio, TGR)及共同成本效率(metafrontier cost efficiency, MCE)。此外,並納入環境(E)、社會(S)、治理(G)分析其對商業銀行成本效率之影響。本文研究結果顯示,無論在成本效率(CE)、技術缺口比率(TGR)或共同成本效率(MCE),合作銀行均較商業銀行更有效率,表示在2010年歐債危機發生時,商業銀行受到較大的衝擊,因此合作銀行較商業銀行來得更有效率;而商業銀行進行E、S、G活動,反而會降低其成本效率。
Environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) are indicators of sustainable development. It represents the degree of importance a country places on sustainable development, which in turn affects the implementation of a bank’s business model and sustainability. Therefore, this study examines the difference in cost efficiency between commercial banks and cooperative banks, employing banks in Western Europe as an example, and further examines the impact of ESG on cost efficiency of commercial banks. The study covers Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium, and the study period is from 2010 to 2020. First, stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) is employed to examine the impact of non-performing loans ratio, capital adequacy ratio, net interest margin, cost-to-income ratio, and liquidity ratio on the cost efficiency of commercial banks and cooperative banks. Then, the stochastic metafrontier approach (SMF) is used to estimate the meta-cost function between commercial banks and cooperative banks, and to calculate the technology gap ratio (TGR) and metafrontier cost efficiency (MCE). In addition, E, S, G is included to analyze its impact on cost efficiency of commercial banks. The results show that cooperative banks are better than commercial banks in terms of cost efficiency (CE), technical gap ratio (TGR), and metafrontier cost efficiency (MCE). The results show that commercial banks were hit harder by the 2010 European debt crisis and cooperative banks are more efficient than commercial banks, and commercial banks can reduce their cost efficiency by conducting E, S and G activities. |