摘要: | 有效的閱讀教學策略不僅能增進學童的閱讀動機與興趣,更能提升學童的思考力與創造力,本研究旨在探討運用心智圖教學策略融入國語文閱讀領域之學習,對於國小一年級學童創造力提升之成效,並在教學歷程中,探究心智圖教學策略結合繪本教學,對於提升學童的閱讀效能,以及培養學童對閱讀的熱忱是否有所助益。本研究採用「準實驗研究」之不等組前後測設計,以「陶倫斯創造思考測驗圖形版」作為主要的測量工具,以新北市某公立國小一年級學童共150位為創造力現況的研究樣本,進行創造力前測,再從中挑選兩班共62位學童作為教學實驗的研究對象,進行八週繪本閱讀的教學活動,實驗組32名學童接受心智圖教學實驗,控制組30名學童則接受傳統講述教學實驗,教學結束後進行創造力後測。研究者蒐集前後測量化資料並以描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、單因子共變數分析進行統計分析,以探討本實驗對學童創造力的培養成效。研究結果顯示,在未接受教學實驗前,本實驗所有受試學童創造力表現之現況偏低(M=88.57,SD=14.59)。實驗組學童接受教學實驗後,五種創造力測驗(流暢力、獨創力、標題力、精密力與開放力)皆有顯著提升,控制組學童則於流暢力、獨創力與開放力有顯著之提升,相較之下實驗組學童的流暢力、標題力與精密力更顯著優於控制組,且學童肯定本實驗能激發其閱讀與創造力的學習興趣,因此心智圖教學較傳統講述教學更有助於提升學童創造力的學習成效,故本研究所發展的課程教案與研究結果可作為推廣相關教育的教師與後續研究者之參照,亦能提供教育相關單位在編撰課程設計時之參考。
The effective reading instructional strategy not only enhances motivation and interests in reading, but also improves thinking ability and creativity. This study aims to investigate whether applying mind-mapping teaching strategy in Chinese reading is effective in improving first graders’ creativity, and to explore whether using picture book as materials in mind-mapping teaching process benefits their reading efficiency and enthusiasm. The method of this study is a quasi-experiment of pre- and post-tests design with nonequivalent group. A total of 150 students from a public primary school in New Taipei city were invited to participate in pre-screening for representing current status of population. 62 students from 2 separate classes were selected to participate in this 8-week mind-mapping reading intervention. 30 participants in the control group and 32 in the experimental group. In the experimental group, the researcher incorporated mind-mapping teaching strategy into Chinese reading lessons whereas the control group lessons were with traditional didactic teaching method. Participants from both groups were asked to complete Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking with pre-and post-treatment.The data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test, paired-sample t-test, and ANCOVA. The pre-screening creativity score of all 150 participants prior to the selection process is averagely low (M=88.57,SD=14.59). Although there are also significantly improved performances of control group in fluency, originality and resistance of premature closure, student who received mind-mapping teaching guided lessons had significantly higher improvement in all five-assessments of creativity thinking, including fluency, originality, abstractness of titles, elaboration and resistance of premature closure, compared to those who received traditional lessons. The outcome of this quasi-experimental study concluded that students who received mind-mapping teaching guided lessons in Chinese reading class performed greater improvement of creativity thinking capacities than those who received traditional didactical teaching. This study provides educator and researcher with lesson plans and research results of mind-mapping teaching in Chinese reading lessons for first graders as references to promote relevant education and to apply in future research; also provides education policymakers with information for curriculum design.
Keywords: mind mapping teaching strategy, first grade elementary school
students, creativity, picture books |