摘要: | 我國少子化、高齡化的人口結構現況,成年子女擔任照顧角色的比重日漸增加,其同時承受的社會責任與照顧責任是不容忽視的。本研究主要目的為瞭解成年子女照顧者在休閒因應策略、照顧自我效能與正向照顧經驗之差異性、相關性及預測力。本研究採問卷調查法,以成年子女照顧者共計456位為研究對象,施以「休閒因應策略量表」、「照顧自我效能量表」與「正向照顧經驗量表」等量表,採用李克特(Likert)五點式量表計分,並以描述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。
It is lower birth rate and aging society in Taiwan, the proportion of adult children in care roles is increasing. At the same time, its social responsibility and care responsibility can not be ignored. The purpose of the study is to examinate the differences, correlation and predictability among leisure coping strategies, caregiving self-efficacy, and positive aspects of caregiving of adult children caregivers. In this study, it uses a questionnaire survey research, a total of 456 adult children caregivers were surveyed using "Leisure Coping Strategy Scale", "Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-efficacy", and "Positive Aspects of Caregiving Scale". The scale adopts Likert five-point scale score. The data are analyzed by descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and regression analysis.
The results show adult children caregivers between the age of 51-64 are more able to shoulder both the responsibility of care and the expenses required. Because of care work, they choose leisure to relieve and release stress, but for the leisure can participate in the time is relatively less than others. The higher the participants' perception of leisure coping strategies, the more obvious their caregiving self-efficacy and positive aspects of caregiving, and there are significant correlation among the three. Leisure coping strategies and caregiving self-efficacy have significant predictability on positive aspects of caregiving, and leisure coping strategies has higher impact than caregiving self-efficacy. Finally, caregiving self-efficacy has partial mediating effects on the leisure coping strategies to positive aspects of caregiving.
Therefore, it is suggested that relevant professionals should consider family-centered and focus on strengthen support between adult children and their family members. Paying attention to the benefits of caregiver's leisure coping, such as promoting caregiving self-efficacy, perception of positive aspects of caregiving. |