摘要: | 本研究旨在探討921災後從事社區重建工作的女性其所面臨的社會、文化及家庭問題。採質性的田野調查法,經由半結構式深度訪談來了解研究參與者在參與社區重建時的主觀經驗認知及行為下的細微感受。研究工具包括訪談大綱、研究邀請函、訪談同意書、錄音工具與訪談紀錄表、受訪者檢核回饋單五項。在進行正式研究前,為讓研究主題能更聚焦,並熟悉正式訪談的細節,於2020年3月進行前導訪談。訪談大綱分為三大題:社區重建參與過程、性別議題及921二十年後,受訪者從女性社會參與的角度想表達的想法。研究者依前導訪談內容,修正成為正式的訪談大綱。以滾雪球的方式,共召募了三位在921災後協助重建的女性,並於同年8月進行正式訪談。本研究根據訪談內容進行分析、詮釋及討論;以錄音及詳實記載之逐字稿進行資料的檢核,確認研究資料的「可靠性」及「可確認性」;最後以研究參與者之檢核回饋單來確認內容的「可信性」及「遷移性」。本研究結果發現如下:目前鄉村中女性的社會參與的確有困境須克服,但隨時代進步兩性平等是可以預見的,同時質性研究讓非主流人士有發聲的機會。在女性社區參與方面,個人的人格特質、團隊及「人」的問題是社區參與時三個成功的重要因素;在性別議題方面,應分別「人」而非「性別」、觀念須待世代交替而改變及學習平衡兩性角色都是整個社會應努力的方向。最後,根據上述結果,本研究針對女性的社會參與及未來研究做出建議。
The purpose of the study is to explore the social, cultural, and family issues faced by women engaged in community rebuild after Taiwan Chi-chi Earthquake. The study aimed to understand study participants’ subjective knowledge and subtle feelings by field research with semi-structured in-depth interviews. The research tools included interview outlines, research invitations, consent forms, recording tools, interview transcripts, and feedback forms. A pilot interview was conducted in March 2020, and the interview questions included three parts: the interviewees’ participation in community rebuild, their encounter of gender topics, and their ideas about women’s social participation. The researcher outlined formal interview questions based on the pilot interview. Three women were recruited using snowball sampling who assisted in the rebuild after Taiwan Chi-chi Earthquake. The formal interviews were conducted in August of the same year. The interview transcripts were analyzed, interpreted, and discussed. The examination of the materials was recorded and written in detail to ensure the dependability and confirmability, and the credibility and transferability of the contents were ensured by the study participants and their feedback forms. Based on the study results, several themes emerged. The women in rural areas did have difficulties to overcome, but gender equality is foreseeable. Meanwhile, qualitative research provides individuals the opportunity to voice themselves. In terms of women’s community participation, the issues of individual personality, teams, and “people” are important factors upon the success of community participation. In terms of gender issues, they believe that they “human beings” rather than gender “issues.” However, these ideas are waiting to be adopted by generations to come and learning to balance gender roles are the goals our society should strive for. Last but not least, the researcher provided suggestions and recommendations for future studies based on the research findings. |