團購(Group-Buying)早已是現代普遍消費方式之一,回顧過去的文獻對於團購部份尤其重視其服務品質外,還必須重視品牌形象及價格促銷,因為服務品質、品牌形象及價格促銷可能會影響消費者購買的意願。本研究回顧以往眾多的團購研究中,學者多是以團購成員來做相關研究,部份以線上團購行為及消費者購買動機進行研究,雖有少數主題也以團購主為議題,但研究出的結果也是消費者的角度來作為衡量,顯少以團購主的揪團觀點來進行探討。本研究採用google表單的網路問卷方式,針對的對象是蔗雞王食品有限公司正在開團的各地團購主,主要之研究目的欲探討團購主與「品牌形象」、「價格促銷」、「食品品質」及「服務品質」以及購買意願之關係。經由信度分析得知,各構面的Cronbach's alpha值介於0.854~0.952之間,由此分析結果得知,五個構面分析結果皆具有良好的內部一致性。本研究以蔗雞王食品有限公司所接觸的團購主為研究對象,並成功蒐集191份樣本。研究結果發現:
一、 價格促銷對於團購主之購買意願具正向顯著影響。
二、 食品品質對於團購主之購買意願具有正向顯著影響。
三、 服務品質對於團購主之購買意願具有正向顯著影響。
Group buying (Group-Buying) has been one of the modern common ways of consumption for a long time. Past literatures, especially for the group buying part, emphasize service not only quality but also brand image and price promotion, because above elements all affect consumers' buying willingness. This study looks back at many previous group buying studies. Most scholars do related research of group buying members, and some of them do related research of online group buying behaviors and consumer buying motivation. Although there are a few topics that also focus on group buying, those research results still measure on a perspective of a consumer. Very few of them focus on perspective of a group buyer. This research uses the online questionnaire method of google form, which is aimed at the group buyers of Sugar Cane Chicken King Food Co., Ltd. The main research purpose is to discuss the relationship among group buyers and "brand image", "price promotion", "food quality" and "service quality" and “purchase intention”. According to the reliability analysis, the Cronbach's alpha value of each facet is between 0.854 and 0.952. From the analysis results, this study founds that the five facet analysis results have good internal consistency. This study uses the group buyers contacted by Sugar Cane Cane Chicken King Food Co., Ltd. as the research object and 191 samples were successfully collected. The study found:
1. Price promotion has a positive and significant influence on the purchase intention of group buyers.
2. Food quality has a positive and significant impact on the purchase intention of group buyers.
3. The quality of service has a positive and significant impact on the purchase intention of group buyers.
"Service quality" influences the most on purchase intention of group buyers. The research results of this study will be used as a reference for group purchasers in formulating marketing strategies to enhance consumers' willingness to purchase.