教育部於2000年9月30日公佈的《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》明白宣示國民中小學之課程理念應以生活為中心,而其課程設計應以學生為主體,以生活經驗為重心。然而,此一課程綱要實施至今,似乎碰到不少問題,甚至最近有許多人士呼籲暫停或緩辦。類此革新課程的改革或實驗,為何難以臻其功,是本文作者亟欲探討者。 本文分為七節。第一節前言,說明問題的背景。第二至五節,分別說明1896-1904年杜威學校的課程實驗,1934-1940年紐約市的小學活動課程實驗,1933-1941年全美中學的「八年研究」課程實驗,1952-1963年及1973-1979臺灣省的生活中心課程實驗。這四節主要在指陳:雖然革新課程實驗難成,但是仍然有人不斷地進行實驗的史實。第六節試著從主事者的異動與心厭現象、社會大眾對教育定見、學校的組織特性等三個方面來分析其中的原因。最後,則殿以結論。
Since "The Grade 1-9 Coherent Curriculum Framework" was promulgated in Taiwan in September, 2000, the new emphasis on adopting a more life-centered curriculum and more student-centered instruction has encountered many problems. Based on historical data, this article analyzes the difficulties we face in implementing this curricular "transformation." The author introduces the background of curriculum reform and discusses similar reform models, including those of the Dewey School (1896-1904), the Activity Curriculum Experiment in New York City (1934-1940), and the Eight-Year Study (1933-1941), as well as two life-centered curriculum experiments in Taiwan (1952-1963 and 1973-1979). The analysis indicates three factors which tend to obstruct the implementation of curricular transformation: (1) turnover and burnout among reformers; (2) the public bias against the curriculum transformation; (3) disadvantageous characteristics of school organization.