本文旨在就歐陽教授育之先生的事蹟,說明其為後學者所設立的榜樣;全文分為六節。第一節前言,除敘述本文主旨、說明文題從〈育之先生對我的引導〉轉變而為〈育之先生所設立的榜樣〉的緣由外,並對於先生的業師皮德思(R. S. Peters)所撰“Education as initiation”文題中的“initiation”究應解為啟導、啟發、引導或引領入門,略有討論。二至五節,分別闡釋先生在一以貫之的中道哲學指導下,所設立的自律敬人的道德修養、勤謹創發的治學精神,乃至講理務實的教育事功等榜樣。第六節,以先生早年描述教師樣貌的一段文字,指出先生所期許的教師角色,正是先生身教的寫照。言行始終一致,就是先生所設立的最佳榜樣!
The paper was to delineate the examples set by Prof. Oscar Jiaw Ouyang by offering a short account of his life. It was divided into six sections. In the first section, the Chinese translation of the well known phrase “Education as initiation” initiated by Prof. R. S. Peters, Prof. Ouyang’s academic advisor in the London Institute of Education back to the 1970’s, was discussed. The second through fifth sections explained the examples set by Prof. Ouyang, i.e. the moral disposition of autonomy and respect for persons, the academic spirits of diligence and creativity, and the educational conduct of reasoning and pragmatism; all of these were guided by his consistent philosophy of "the mean". In the last section, a concluding remark was made by quoting from one of his early writings about the role of a good teacher: The best example set by Prof. Ouyang is that “he is a man of his word and his actions are consistent with his words”.