The purpose of this study is to explore the study of the conformity, personality traits and impulsive purchasing behavior of self-selective cosmetics consumers. The main purpose is to understand the current situation of self-selective cosmetics consumption, different background varieties in the conformity, personality traits, impulsive purchasing behavior differences as well as the relationship related to each other in this study, the consumers were 18 years of age from Taipei City who were selected as the research object, and the questionnaire survey was conducted. The self-made "Conformity Scale", "Personality Quality Scale" and "Impulsivity Purchase Behavior Scale "for research tools.
In this study, 398 self-selective cosmetics consumers were used as a sample. The results show that there are significant differences in statistics among different subjects in terms of conformity and personality traits and impulsive purchasing behavior at different ages. Different educational levels, different nature of work, and different average purchase amount in the impulsive purchasing behavior statistics to achieve significant differences. Conformity and personality traits and impulsive purchasing behavior were significantly correlated. Conformity and personality traits can predict impulsive purchasing behavior, and the personality traits have some effect between conformity and the impulsive purchasing behavior. Research recommendations can make use of the conformity to influence impulsive purchasing behavior, and by consumers to follow the trend to expand business opportunities.