「南向」政策最近被政府用來降低廠商「西進」的熱度。「南向」與「西進」的 優劣勢成為各界議論之焦點。 本文首先介紹大陸和東南亞之基本經濟情勢。其次,就這兩大地區一些較重要的投資條件加 以分析,再詳析南向和西進因勞動和土地使用價格下降之成本效果。 接著,基於現有的文獻,以及最近蒐集之資訊,對這兩大投資地區就各種投資條件加以評估。 再以一套權數系統,將評估結果加權平均,得出大陸和東南亞綜合投資條件之明確結論。 基本上確認對中小企業而言,大陸投資環境較優。 對大企業而言,東南亞則較為優異。並據此提出「雙向」政策建議。
Recently, the policy of "Going-Sowthward", i.e., investing in South-East Asia, has been adopted by the government to retard Taiwanese firms' "Going-West-ward" wave. The advantages and disadvantages of "Going-Southward" and "Going-Westward" have been widely discussed. This article evaluates the investment conditions of Mainland China and South-East Asia in details, based on the existing literature and data collected from South- East Asian countries. A weighting system is further developed to make a weighted average for both areas, in order to reach a clear conclusion. Basically, for a large firm, the investment environment of Mainland China is worse than South-East Asia, while for a small and medium-sized firm, Mainland China is much better. This article recommends a balanced investment policy and makes some practical suggestions to the policy makers.