摘要: | 在台灣有99%以上的木材來自進口,因此對進口材需求的依賴程度相對提高,另為因應未來環境永續及防止非法砍伐問題,欲提高其競爭力,有充分瞭解進口木材來源及進口業者採購決策之必要。在回收的有效問卷376份中,顯示台灣木基工業廠商及貿易商均以小型、公司型態為生產工廠為主,受訪廠商近三年生產或銷售之木材或木製品的原料來源有58.2%受訪廠商的原料100%為進口。在選擇木材原料供應之考慮因素之重要性問項,經因素分析結果可萃取出「供應」、「競爭力」、「進口考量」、「環境友善」4個因素構面,經由單因子變異數分析及Duncan法進行事後檢定,則「公司型態」為進口商或外國公司之代理商之業者,在這4個因素構面之重要性結果皆明顯高於公司型態為工廠或工廠兼具進口商或外國公司之代理商之業者。在進口國外木材原料之原因所萃取的「符合需求」、「國內伐採限制」、「品質」、「國內供應」4個因素構面,則在「公司型態」及「原料進口來源」兩項,在「符合需求」及「品質」因素構面結果,皆明顯高於公司型態為工廠或工廠兼具進口商或外國公司之代理商之業者。而「原料進口來源」100%仰賴進口的業者,皆明顯高於部分進口的業者。由結果可知,不同的公司型態其採購決策也有差異。
About 99% of the wood used in manufacturing in Taiwan is imported, so there is a great dependence on imported materials. Considering issues of future environmental sustainability and prevention of illegal logging, it is necessary to fully understand sources of wood imports and procurement strategies of importing industries in order to enhance their competitiveness. In this study, a questionnaire survey of domestic wood-based manufacturing and trading firms was conducted. The 376 valid returned questionnaires showed that Taiwanese wood-based manufacturing and trading firms are mostly small-scale, and production is the primary function of these firms. Of the responding firms, 58.2% reported that 100% of their sources of raw wood materials for sale or manufacturing were imported over the past 3 yr. As to essential considerations in selecting sources of wood raw materials by firms, 4 factor dimensions were chosen from 23 questions by a factor analysis: ”supplier experience,” ”competitiveness,” ”import considerations,” and ”environmental friendliness”. Based on a single-factor analysis of variance and Duncan's new multiple-range post-hoc test, these 4 dimensions were significantly more important for importers and agents of foreign companies than for manufacturers and combined manufacturer-importers/manufacturer-agents. As to the reasons for importing foreign wood raw materials, 4 factor dimensions, including ”meeting demands,” ”domestic harvest restrictions,” ”quality,” and ”domestic supply,” were selected from 14 questions by a factor analysis. Responding firms had significantly different reasons for importing foreign wood raw materials, and ”meeting demands” and ”quality” were significantly more important for importers and agents of foreign firms than for manufacturers or combined manufacturer-importers/manufacturer-agents. In addition, for firms that were 100% reliant on imported raw materials, ”meeting demands” and ”quality” were significantly more important factors than for firms which partly used domestic timber. |