所謂「第三者致力行政處分」一般是指對相對人之授益處分同時產生對第三人負擔之效果。主張權利受損害之第三人雖非處分相對人,但其卻因相對人獲得該處分而受到負面之影響,因此,是否付予其權利利益救濟的機會與管道?又如何付予之?方能達到國民權利利益救濟之實效性,在面臨行政紛爭多樣化與國民權利意思高漲之今日,實成為刻不容緩之課題。 本稿擬以探討利害關條人在行政程序中的定位,作為強調行政透明化、民眾參與行政決策日愈普及之研究的一環。並以比較法的方式,借用重視行政程序之日本法的法解釋與分析,期待對我國的法規範與運用上,能更進一步地獲得落實。
Generally speaking, when the trouble between the parties and agencies results, sometimes it will bring to the third parties. So when the agencies permit or renewal, the third parties will seek for intervening that “ministrativeprocedure of permit or renewal to reject that admit. If the agency does not admit the request of the third parties it will seek an appeal of his interests are aggrieved or adversely affected by the decision of the agency granting any application for a license of permit or renewal. In Japanese law, especially the third parties interests are not always considered. It is the same with Taiwan. So the problem of intervention(or participation)of the third parties will be dealt with each enactment. We wi1l research under comparing “Administrative Procedure Act” of Japan and Taiwan, how it deals with the problem with the third parties.