This paper explores the Generation Y Filipino consumers’ attributes and behavioral intentions concerning health and environmental concerns of restaurants and their willingness to pay for premium in establishments involved in such activities. The paper determines Generation Y Filipinos food related lifestyle (FRL) and identifies the differences between the FRL segments. Furthermore, it explores the idea of using the health and environmental concerns as practices of restaurants in encouraging customer awareness, selection, patronage intention and willingness to pay premium regarding dining choices. This study is beneficial for the government sector in implementing and improving its advocacy in promoting sustainable production and consumption. On the other hand, business sector will have a better understanding of its target market and use this understanding in capturing patrons. There are four food related lifestyle groups of Generation Y Filipino consumers that were identified in this study; “adventurous consumer group”, “mediocre consumer group”, “snacking consumer group” and the “uninvolved consumer group”. Among the four consumer groups, “adventurous consumer group” have the highest awareness and selection on green practices in restaurants and highest patronage intent while “snacking consumer group” is the most willing to pay 10% higher if the restaurant addresses health and environmental concerns.