摘要: | 本研究旨在探討女性微型創業者「個人背景變項」、「人格特質」與「創業動機」,及「創業績效」之研究。以臺灣蘭碧兒股份有限公司合作之微型創業者為受試對象,分析不同「個人背景變項」及「人格特質」的受試者,在「創業動機」、與「創業績效」上的差異情形,並探討女性微型創業者「創業動機」與「創業績效」之相關性。
This study was designed to investigate the female "micro-entrepreneurs' personal background variables, personality traits and entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial performance ". The research samples are micro-entrepreneurs cooperation with NOVEIR (Taiwan INC.) , and analysis the difference of personal background variables and personality in the entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial performance; and to explore the correlation of female micro-entrepreneurs entrepreneurial motivation and the entrepreneurial performance.
This study questionnaire was based survey approach to collect the variable raw datas of personal background, personality traits, entrepreneurial motivation, and entrepreneurial performance , in the beauty of the relevant retail , women's wholesale, technical services or teaching entrepreneurship patterns for micro-entrepreneurs.
National distribution of northern, central, south and eastern region to personally visit, telephone visits, and e-mail reply, etc. fill out the questionnaire; a total of 218 effective recovery, the recovery rate of 100%. According to the survey data obtained descriptive statistics analysis, one-way ANOVA and pearson correlation analysis, test the hypothesis proposed in this study, and according to the survey results, concrete proposals for planning the direction of entrepreneurs, companies and public and private organizations, as well as research for future reference. |