近年來廣受青少年歡迎的肚皮舞,因具獨特塑形健身功能,同時青少年因對身體變化特別注意,而會影響生活適應與人格發展。故本研究對象為新北市莊敬高職美容科15~18歲青少年,採用立意抽樣方式,發放440份,有效問卷回收為100%。問卷透過學習肚皮舞後身體意象量表、自尊與自信量表、學習滿意度量表,依據研究目的及變項的屬性,以SPSS 20中文版進行資料分析。並將樣本進一步進行差異分析、t檢定分析、相關分析、多元迴歸分析,旨在探討學習肚皮舞對其身體意象與身心健康之影響。
2. 強化青少年的生理與心理正向發展。
Belly dance is widely popular with teenagers due to its unique shaping fitness function in recent years, especially Teenagers often pay special attention on the change of their body shape. Belly dance is considered better than the other dance achieve fitness, attitude adjustment, pleasure and self-confidence function. The teenager emphasized variances of physical and psychological strongly that would affect the satisfaction of body image for life adaptation and personality development.
Accordingly, 440 volunteers (age of 15~18) were tested that learns belly dance by using the questionnaire. The purpose of this study is in to investigate the relation of belly dance learning and body images that how affect the physical and mental health. Results showed that adolescents of different ages and family situations with significant differences of body image, which has a significant impact on body image and self-esteem like confidence. That means learning belly dance can increase adolescent sense of self-satisfaction, self-worth and self-confidence. In addition, sex, age and experiments of sport are main factors that affect learning satisfaction of the teenagers. Adolescent body satisfaction can increase self-esteem and self-confidence and improve also the learning belly dance satisfaction.
The results were found the significant positive coorelation among the self-esteem, body image and satisfaction of learning, However, the self-esteem shown more efficiency than the body image satisfaction for learning belly dance in the teenagers. The recommendations listed as follows:
1. Encouraging teenagers to take the initiative to explore their advantages and strengths.
2. Strengthing the development of the physiology and psychology for teenagers.
3. Strengthing the self-esteem and self-confidence of teenagers.