本研究旨在探討飛牛牧場遊客的遊憩動機、體驗及整體滿意度之現況,及其彼此間的相關性,本研究採量化研究,以問卷調查方式,以飛牛牧場現場遊客為研究對象,採便利取樣方式進行。研究工具包括:「受訪者基本資料」、「遊客遊憩動機調查量表」、「遊客遊憩體驗知覺價值調查量表」,及「遊憩滿意度調查量表」等,期能藉由飛牛牧場遊客的意見取向,針對未來飛牛牧場發展問題及如何運用其自然資源與體驗活動吸引遊客到訪與重遊,並提高遊客的滿意度作深入探討,本研究至飛牛牧場現場發放正式問卷420 份,420份全數收回,回收率100%,剔除無效問卷後,有效問卷412份,有效回收率為98.1%,問卷以SPSS.20版統計套裝軟體進行資料處理與分析,結果發現遊客對於遊憩動機與遊憩體驗,遊憩動機與遊憩滿意度,遊憩體驗與遊憩滿意度等彼此皆具顯著相關,而遊憩動機與遊憩體驗亦能顯著預測遊客的滿意度。根據本研究結果對飛牛牧場提出建議與參考。
This study is aim to analyze the Flying Cow Ranch's visitors, and explore the cause-effect relationships between recreational motivation, experience and satisfaction of Flying Cow Ranch. A questionnaire survey of convenience sampling applied for this study. The research instrument included responsors’ demographic information, visitors’ recreational motivation survey scale, visitors’ experience perception value survey scale and recreational satisfaction survey scale, to take advantage of the opinion-oriented of Flying Cow Ranch's visitors for future development and how to use its natural resources and experience activities to attract visitors to visit and re-visit, and increase visitors satisfaction for in-depth discussion of this study. 420 questionnaires were handed out and responded, and 412 valid questionnaires were collected, effective response rate is 98.1%, conducted and analyzed by SPSS version 20. The analysis results found that: (1) The signicant relationships between recreational motivation and recreational experienceof visitors; (2) The signicant relationships between recreational motivation and recreational satisfaction; (3) The signicant relationships between recreational experience and Recreational satisfaction; (4) The recreational motivation and recreational experience can also significantly predicted visitor satisfaction. Based on the results of this study can provide recommendations and references for Flying Cow Ranch management.