摘要: | 20th Century has been an age teeming with exuberance and iconoclasm. The European architects were initiative forces to creat new architecture and fought courageously, bitterly against sclerosized historical styles of the past. Among them, until 1937, 1938, when two commanding figures-walter Gropius, Mies Van der Rohe fled Nazi Germany to the U.S.A. Thence-forth Modern Architecture Versus traditional Architecture flourished in that promising land, like miracles suddenly became true. Its potency was so great which overwhelmed all conservative establishments and was soon accepted world wide, and swollen in every direction became the mainstream of Architecture utill roughly around 1960. There were other streams first gargling from subterranean and then flew like broad rivers into the ocean, those are Organic Architecture and its derivatives, contextualism, neo-rationalism, pluralism, eclectism and mannerism etc. In this democratic, knowledge explosive, industrialized affluent societies, building activities have been moving fast with unprecedented speed and vigor. Architects of younger generation moved like rambunctions wild horses dashed their ways toward new frontiers. People get apprehensive and consternated. It is precisely this situation that press met to write this book. (now only a portion of three main themes under the tittle of Rationalism) my intention would be the elucidation of what are the underlying philosophy of these movements, from 1930's up to now, Idealogically and Metaphysically. Is Architecture a social Art or an autonomous discipline. Did the zeigeist be duely reflected, how values be properly upheld. What is the significance of architectural formal languages. Did habitability of our cities be enhanced. Finally I would like to point out the way that would put the diversified polemic thoughts into a synthetical whole. |