國內咖啡市場以企業連鎖咖啡業及個人特色鮮明的非連鎖咖啡業為主流,同業間競爭激烈,顧客雖處在多元消費市場裡,卻只對特定及熟悉的場所產生功能依賴及情感依附,並對場所形成場所依戀;而瞭解消費者在特定環境中所發展的場所依戀是相當重要,分析消費者在眾多選擇下,依舊因為特定因素鍾情於某些獨特的場域空間,亦成為消費者重視且生活中不可取代之場所, 本研究之目的為探討咖啡館場所依戀成因的關鍵成功因素,透過文獻探討進行問卷調查並運用模糊德菲法與層級分析法,篩選出咖啡館場所依戀成因的關鍵三大構面及43項指標及其權重值。本研究結果彙整出三大關鍵構面,人因、場所、心理過程,本研究運用分析出的權重體系統整出本研究的關鍵成功因素,可作為吸引消費者形成咖啡館場所依戀成因,並提供經營者與相關單位在未來探討吸引顧客時的方向與參考。
The coffee industry is well developed and very competitive in Taiwan. Franchises/chained and individual non-chained coffee shops, along with the fast food restaurants and convenience stores are the mainstream coffee consumption places for consumers. Attachment is an emotional bond for an individual to a place. Coffee consumers might feel connected to a specific coffee shop as a third place from their home and workplace. Place attachment can be an important factor for coffee shop operation and marketing. The purpose of this study was to examine the key factors of what constitutes customer’s place attachment toward coffee shops. This study utilized literature review and Fuzzy Delphi methods to select items for further AHP analysis. This study archived 3 dimensions (people, place, and process) and 43 indices of key factors toward place attachment in coffee shop. The results of this study can provide coffee shop operators and designers insights for supporting needs to the patrons.