摘要: | 在國中階段,自我認同的發展是重要的階段目標,而自尊的發展更是影響個體成長及適應的重要發展,自尊發展中若缺乏正向建立,可能形成負面的自我認同或自我迷失。而外籍配偶子女的父母具有不同族群文化背景,其族群認同與自尊的發展更是不容忽視。因此,本研究旨在探討外籍配偶國中子女族群認同與自尊的相關及差異情形,並希望能給予相關教育單位及人員作為參考。
The development of self-identity is an important stage for adolescents in junior high school. Furthermore, the development of self-esteem is an important factor for affecting the maturity and adaptation of an individual. Lack of positive development in self-esteem can lead to negative self-identity and self-diffusion. Parents of transnational marriage children have different ethnic culture background, therefore, the development of ethnic identity and self-esteem is an important issue. Consequently, the purposes of this research were to discuss the relationship and difference between ethnic identity and self-esteem for transnational marriage children of junior high school whose mother was from Southeast Asia, and to be a reference for related education authorities and personnel.
The investigation of this research was conducted by “purposive sampling” method. Considering the number of transnational marriage children was not equal in each school, the research included six schools with more student number and nine schools with less student number. Then, the survey was proceeded by census and the valid sample was 527. The research instrument included background information questionnaire, ethnic identity scale, and self-esteem scale. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one sample t-test, paired sample t-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple regression, and linear regression analysis. The results of this research were as follows.
1. The mean (2.76) of the ethnic scale was significant higher than the theoretical midpoint which indicated the ethnic identity of the transnational marriage children of junior high school in Ping-Tung County was fine. Furthermore, the ethnic identity toward father’s ethnic group(3.08) and the ethnic identity toward mother’s original nationality(2.69) were both significant higher than the theoretical midpoint which indicated the ethnic identity of the transnational marriage children of junior high school in Ping-Tung County toward father’s ethnic group and mother’s original nationality were both fine. Nevertheless, the ethnic identity toward father’s ethnic group was significant higher than the ethnic identity toward mother’s original nationality.
2. The mean (3.47) of the self-esteem scale was significant higher than the theoretical midpoint which indicated the self-esteem of the transnational marriage children of junior high school in Ping-Tung County was acceptable.
3. “Gender” showed significant difference in “ethnic identity”. Female had better ethnic identity. However, “grade”, “family socio-economic status”, “mother’s original nationality”, and “the number of the transnational marriage children in enrollment school” did not show significant difference in “ethnic identity.”
4. “The number of the transnational marriage children in enrollment school” showed significant difference in “self-esteem.” Self-esteem would be better when there were more number of transnational marriage children in the enrollment school. However, “gender”, “grade”, “family socio-economic status”, “mother’s original nationality”, and “the number of the transnational marriage children in enrollment school” did not show significant difference in “ethnic identity.”
5. “Ethnic identity” showed moderate level of positive relevance with “self-esteem.”
6. “Female” could explain 3.9% of ethnic identity. Female had better ethnic identity comparing to male.
7. “Ethnic identity” could explain 18.6% of self-esteem. The higher the ethnic identity, the better the self-esteem.
8. “Male” and “ethnic identity” could explain 20.9% variance of self-esteem. Male had higher self-esteem comparing to female. Self-esteem would be higher when the ethnic identity was better.
According to the findings of this research, suggestion was made to administrative organization of government. The administrative organization could edit and develop-advertisement or publication of transnational marriage women’s original nationality, and could develop multi-cultural activities. Each region could also develop specific foreign country culture and create multi-cultural environment. Suggestions were also made to school administration and teachers. School could combine courses and teaching, design multi-cultural education and activities, and promote mother tongue culture activity after class. Teachers could improve peer relationship by classroom management. Furthermore, school could increase the number of student counselor who are in charge of transnational marriage children affair, and could even invite transnational marriage parents to act as volunteer counselor. |