探討認知涉入在故事行銷之調節效果 本研究欲探討企業如何藉由說故事的方式,喚起消費者的同理心,影響 消費者對產品的態度。根據Escalas& Stern (2003)對於觀看戲劇廣告的情緒反 應四階段理論,本研究提出主研究架構,假設故事性會影響閱聽者的認知情 感,進而產生情感轉移,然後影響閱聽者對產品的態度。此外,再根據社會 判斷理論與思辯可能模式的論點,探討閱聽者的認知涉入程度,如何影響其 情感轉移。本研究以訪談與專家座談方式蒐集故事個案,並修正故事結構量 表。接下來採實驗法進行資料的蒐集。本研究結果將提供檢驗故事性廣告的 說服效果之實證資料,和對豐富故事行銷的理論外,對企業進行故事行銷的 策略上亦提供不同角度的參考價值。 Exploring the Impact of Cognitive Involvement in Storytelling Storytelling has been a widely applied means to change individual attitude toward a product or a policy. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact caused by the structure of a story and the involvement of the individual’s cognition on the evoked affection, sympathy and empathy, and the consequent attitude toward the product represented by the story. Based on the theoretical framework of storytelling and persuasion, this study develops hypotheses and tests the model by conducting experiment. The result will be discussed and analyzed to provide sound suggestion for managerial application and future research direction.