摘要: | 隨著生活水準的提升以及飲食型態的改變,學童體位的改變一直是相當值得關注的議題。且隨著家庭結構改變,雙薪家庭越來越普遍,父母將投注在工作上的時間遠超過家庭。因此,觀看電視便成為兒童日常生活的基本活動。此外,從兒童最常觀看電視節目時段中的電視廣告之屬性發現,多為零食與含糖飲料。
本研究旨在探討零食、含糖飲料的電視廣告對於桃園縣國小學童體位之影響,採問卷調查方式,以桃園縣二市二鄉(桃園市、八德市、新屋鄉、蘆竹鄉)公立國民小學為研究範圍,各選取二所之六年級各兩班學生為研究對象,總共16班為母群體,共計回收有效問卷520份,研究工具包括:「個人基本背景變項」、「零食、含糖飲料的電視廣告量表」及「零食、含糖飲料的消費行為量表」。施測所得資料以統計套裝軟體 SPSS for Windows 12.0 進行結果分析,分別以敘述統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、LSD事後比較法、皮爾森積差相關,以及多元迴歸等統計方法分析。主要之研究結果如下:
With the growth of living standards and change of dietary patterns, the
change of children’s body weight is always an issue of great concern. Moreover,
with the change of family structure and the prevalence of families with double
pay, parents invest much more time in work than in family. Therefore, watching
TV becomes children’s basic activity in their daily life. In addition, it is found
that most television advertisings are snacks food and soft drinks in the TV
programs children often watch.
Adopting the questionnaire survey as the method, the study aims to explore
the influence of television advertising related to snacks food and soft drinks on
primary school children’s body weight in Taoyuan City, Bade City, Xinwu
Township and Luzhu Township of Taoyuan County. Students in two classes of
Grade 6 from two elementary schools in the above four places (16 classes in
total) are selected respectively. There are 520 effective questionnaires are
recovered in total. The research tools are comprised of personal basic
background variables, Scale of Snacks Food and Soft Drinks television
Advertising and Consuming Behavior Scale of Snacks Food and Soft Drinks.
The tested data are analyzed by the statistical software package SPSS for
Windows 12.0, and by statistical methods of descriptive statistics, independent
samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, LSD post-hoc comparison,
Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression method. The major
research results are as follows:
1. The types of snacks food and soft drinks in the television advertisings
preschool children often watch are sorted in the sequence of biscuits, potato
chips, carbonated drinks, tea drinks, sugar, chocolates, dairy products and
sports drinks.
2. The snacks food and soft drinks preschool children often buy are sorted in
the sequence of biscuits, potato chips, tea drinks, sugar, chocolates, dairy
products, sports drinks, carbonated drinks.
3. In terms of the personal background variables of preschool students,
parents’ professions are significantly related to television advertisings of
snacks food and soft drinks.
4. In terms of the personal background variables of preschool students, gender,
residence and parents’ professions are significantly related to the
consuming behaviors of snacks food and soft drinks.
5. Television advertisings of snacks food and soft drinks are positively and
significantly related to consuming behaviors of snacks food and soft drinks.
In accordance with the research results, it is suggested that parents should
not only enhance the education related to dietary consumption and the concept
of balanced diet to their children, but also encourage them to drink more boiled
water instead of soft drinks. Moreover, they should properly control their pocket
money so as to achieve the purpose of eating less snacks food and soft drinks.
The schools should enhance the nutrition education to preschool children and
help them develop their ability of constriction of television advertisings related
to snacks food and soft drinks so as to cultivate their correct diet consuming
behaviors. |