摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解新北市新莊區國小高年級學童「生活壓力」、「休閒因應策略」與「心理健康」之現況,並瞭解不同「個人背景變項」之新北市新莊區國小高年級學童分別在「生活壓力」、「休閒因應策略」與「心理健康」上的差異情形,另探討新北市新莊區國小高年級學童的「生活壓力」、「休閒因應策略」與「心理健康」間之相關性,更進一步瞭解「生活壓力」及「休閒因應策略」對新北市新莊區國小高年級學童「心理健康」的預測力。本研究係採「調查法」進行資料的收集,以「集群取樣」方式,選取新北市新莊區之國小學童為調查對象,實得有效樣本為529份。研究工具為「個人基本資料表」、「國小高年級學童生活壓力量表」、「休閒因應策略量表」、「心理健康量表」,採五分法計分。以次數分配、百分比、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、以及多元迴歸進行資料分析。研究結果發現:新北市新莊區國小高年級學童生活壓力程度輕微,休閒因應策略運用程度中度,心理健康狀況良好。女生之心理健康優於男生,而六年級學童之生活壓力及休閒因應策略高於五年級,但六年級學童之心理健康較五年級差。學童之生活壓力與休閒調適策略皆負向影響心理健康,但生活壓力對休閒調適策略則有正向影響。生活壓力能有效預測心理健康,休閒因應策略對心理健康則不具預測力。建議家長、教師、學校等教育單位重視國小高年級學童的壓力及休閒因應情況,以促進學童心理健康。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of the primary schools senior students’ “life stress”, “leisure coping strategies” , and “mental health” in Xinzhuang District of New Taipei City, and the influences of “different personal background” on “life stress”, “leisure coping strategies” and ” mental health”. In addition, the correlation of “life stress” , “leisure coping strategies” and “mental health” was probed. Furthermore, the explanation of “mental health” was tested by “life stress” and “leisure coping strategies”. In this study a questionnaire survey method was used for the data-collecting, and the subjects were recruited from per one senior class of ten primary schools in Xinzhuang District respectively. Five hundreds and tweenty nine valid questionnaires were collected. Research instruments included a personal background questionnaire, a life stress scale, a leisure coping strategies scale and a mental health scale. SPSS for Windows 12.0 was used to analyze all the collected data with the approaches such as descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. The major findings were as followings: The life stress of the senior students in primary schools are light, leisure coping strategies are fair, and mental health are fine. The senior students of different genders in primary schools are significantly different in mental health;girls perform better than boys. The senior students of different grades in primary schools are significantly different in life stress, leisure coping strategies and mental health. In the findings of life stress and leisure coping strategies, 6th grade students perform better than 5th grade students. In the findings of mental health, 5th grade students perform better than 6th. The findings of life stress and mental health are negative correlations. The findings of leisure coping strategies and mental health are negative correlations. The findings of life stress and leisure coping strategies are positive correlations. The findings of life stress can effectively predict the mental health. The findings of leisure coping strategies cannot predict the mental health instead. Suggests that parents, teachers, schools and educational institutions emphasis on high-grade primary school children in response to stress and leisure situation, in order to promote student mental health. |