譯詩遠較其他翻譯困難,看法頗爲分歧。英詩中譯亦然。本文以郎費羅"A PSALM OF LIFE"一詩的四種中譯爲例,呈現不同譯法,並特別就其借用自中文成語或典故的若干措辭,說明其出處,作爲補述,以期增進對譯文的了解與鑑賞。
It is much more difficult to translate poetry than others. And the views on it vary. This article takes four Chinese translations of Longfellow's "A Psalm of Life" for example, showing different manners of translating. Special emphasis is laid on giving the sources as supplementary notes on some of the Chinese expressions borrowed from idioms or allusions. It is hoped that this may help increase a better understanding and appreciation of the translations.