本譯注計畫以翻譯、作注與導讀為主,主題是十七世紀英國 「形上詩人」之首鄧約翰早期情詩《哀歌集》中的二十首詩作。鄧氏在英 國詩人中乃披沙揀金之大家,其技巧之多樣、風格之詭譎、模仿兼創新, 皆可明顯見諸於《哀歌集》中之二十首長短情詩。譯文方面,申請人力求 精簡、準確、流暢,並兼顧韻脚、字數等條件,使不識原著之中文讀者讀 後即能領會七、八成,其餘則靠注解補充。申請人在翻譯時必將秉持學術 良心,以期譯文達到可讀、耐讀、甚至必讀之水準。注解方面,因中、英 文之「生態」本不同,譯文難免出現讀者未能「一目了然」之處;再者, 鄧詩本就意義複雜、語多拗口、一語多關。因此,申請人在詳譯原文後, 必參照各主要版本,細注鄧詩艱澀難解之行,以補譯文無從點明之憾,期 望「注解」能成為「助解」,幫助讀者親近原文。在導讀部分,申請人將詳 解詩人緒般風格與時代背景,如「巧智」(wit)、「奥維德風」(Ovidianism)、 「文友式詩作」(coterie poetry)等,以使讀者對鄧詩及其時代有一全盤認識。
With annotations and an introductory essay in Chinese annalysing Donnean poetics such as wit, Ovidianism and coterie style, the project aims at providing the reader with a fluent, reliable and literary translation of Donne’s Elegies, a corpus of 20 love poems believed to have been written between the poet’s twenties and thirties. In terms of translating the poems into Chinese, the applicant tries to re-capture Donne’s heroic couplets by rendering them into Chinese lines that rhyme each 2 lines, with the restriction that each translated line must be within 12 Chinese characters. In terms of annotating the poems in Chinese, the applicant expounds Donne’s difficult lines and winding metaphors in detail, hoping that the annotations may help the reader understand and interpret the poems whenever scrutinising the poems themselves does not seem to be sufficient. By offering Donne’s poems, annotations and an introduction, all in Chinese, the applicant expects that the reader will have a panoramic view of both Donne’s Elegies and the cultural, literary background in which they were written four centuries ago, and that the poet’s greatness and uniqueness will be properly introduced to the Chinese-speaking world.