摘要: | 由於國人飲食內容、生活習慣逐步改變,心血管疾病每年皆在國人十大死因中名列前茅。而國軍肩負著國家安全之重責大任,高階軍官更是帶領國軍的中流砥柱,因此,其對於心血管疾病帶來之風險實不容忽視。文獻顯示營養知識與飲食行為間具有正相關性,而飲食行為、身體活動量又與心血管風險具有正相關性。故本研究透過所設計之問卷,調查陸軍某單位志願役高階軍官心血管健康營養知識、飲食行為與身體活動量,將問卷回收篩選之後分別以營養知識、飲食行為與身體活動量進行分組,並以SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science)15.0 for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行問卷結果統計與分析,比較各組研究對象間之身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)、腰圍(waist circumference)、血壓(blood pressure)、血糖(blood sugar)、三酸甘油酯 (triglyceride)、總膽固醇(total cholesterol)等心血管風險因子,藉以瞭解本問卷母體之營養知識等與心血管風險因子之相關性。結果顯示,陸軍某單位高階軍官的營養知識與心血管健康飲食行為所得分數皆偏低,代表國軍營養知識不足,連帶導致心血管健康飲食行為落實上之不被重視,國軍心血管風險因子也大幅提升,形成國家安全之隱憂。本研究鑑於此結果,提出兩點建議,首先可透過營養健康講座形式,改善國軍伙食之安排,並增加國軍之營養知識;其次,透過「國軍飲食及運動量記錄卡」之推行,以提高國軍心血管健康飲食行為及身體活動量之自覺性,期能鞏固國軍健康,確維國家戰力。
With the contents of people’s diet and their living habits gradually change, cardiovascular disease has been in the top ten causes of death every year. Since the military has great responsibility on national security and senior military officers are the mainstay of the Army, the risk for cardiovascular disease can not be neglected. The research begins with literature review in which we have found that nutritional knowledge and dietary behavior are positively correlated. In addition, physical activities and dietary behaviors have positive correlation with cardiovascular risk. Therefore, through this designed questionnaire, the nutritional knowledge, dietary behavior and physical activities of a unit of volunteered senior officers are surveyed. The questionnaires recalled and filtered are divided into nutritional knowledge, dietary behavior and physical activities by using statistical software package, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) 15.0 for Windows, to sum up and analyze the results of the questionnaires. In order to understand the correlation of the nutritional knowledge, dietary behavior, physical activities and the cardiovascular risks of the questionnaire, body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood sugar, triglyceride to total cholesterol and other cardiovascular risk are compared among the subjects in each group. The results show that the scores of nutritional knowledge and cardiovascular-health-eating behavior of the senior officers in a unit of Army are quite low, which means the national Army lacks nutrition knowledge, and it also leads to the cardiovascular-healthy-eating behavior not being taken seriously. As a result, the cardiovascular risk of National Army has increased dramatically, and it forms a hidden worry in the national security. Due to the results of this study, there are two suggestions proposed. First, to improve military food arrangements through nutrition and health seminars, which can increase the nutritional knowledge of the military; Second, to enhance the awareness of cardiovascular health, dietary behavior and physical activities of the National Army by using "Diet and Exercise Record Card", which can strengthen the health of National Army and maintain the force of the nation. |