摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺北地區大學生「外遇態度」與「離婚態度」之現況,並瞭解不同「個人背景因素」與「家庭背景因素」之臺北地區大學生分別在「外遇態度」及「離婚態度」上的差異情形,另探討臺北地區大學生的「外遇態度」、「離婚態度」之相關性。更進一步瞭解「個人背景因素」及「家庭背景因素」分別對臺北地區大學生「外遇態度」及「離婚態度」的解釋力。
本研究係採「調查法」進行資料的收集,並以「分層比例」之抽樣方式,選取居住於臺北地區(臺北市、新北市)之大學生為調查對象,正式施測樣本為600份,實得有效樣本為556份,有效回收率92.67%,。所使用之研究工具包括:「個人基本資料調查表」、「外遇態度量表」、「離婚態度量表」。施測所得資料以統計套裝軟體 SPSS for Windows 12.0 進行結果分析,分別以敘述統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較法、皮爾森積差相關、以及多元回歸等統計方法加以分析。本研究旨在探討大學生外遇與離婚態度之研究,主要研究結果如下:
1. 臺北地區大學生的「外遇態度」傾向保守的態度,較不能接受外遇的行為。其中以「外遇關係的感受」層面的外遇態度,接受度最高;又以「外遇的意向」層面的外遇態度,接受度最低。
2. 臺北地區大學生的「離婚態度」傾向開放的態度,較能接受離婚的行為。其中以「離婚的意向」層面的離婚態度,接受度最高;又以「婚姻的長久性」層面的離婚態度,接受度最高。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of the undergraduates’ “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce” in Taipei area, and the influences of “different personal background” and “different family background” on “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce”. In addition, the correlation of “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce” was probed. Furthermore, the explanation of “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce” was tested by“different personal background” and “different family background”.
In this study a questionnaire survey method was used for data, and proportionate stratified sampling was adopted on the samples of 600 undergraduates living in Taipei City and New Taipei City, among which 556 were valid returns (92.67%). Research instruments included a personal background questionnaire, attitude toward extramarital relationships scale, and attitude toward divorce scale. SPSS for Windows 12.0 was used to analyze all the data collected with the approaches such as descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe Method, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. With the aim of surveying the undergraduates’ attitudes toward extramarital relationships and divorce, , the major findings were as follows:
A. The current status of the undergraduates’ “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce” in Taipei area:
1. The undergraduates who tend to have more conservative attitude toward extramarital relationships appear to have less acceptance of extramarital behavior. Of all the dimensions, “the feeling of extramarital relationships” shows the highest degree of acceptance; whereas, “the intention of extramarital relationships” shows the lowest degree of acceptance.
2. The undergraduates who tend to have more open-minded attitude toward divorce appear to have more acceptance of divorce behavior. Of all the dimensions, “the intention of divorce” shows the highest degree of cceptance; whereas, “the permanence of marriage” shows the lowest degree of acceptance.
B. The influence of “different personal background” and “different family background” on “attitude toward extramarital relationships”.
1. The male undergraduates with more open-minded attitude toward extramarital relationships than the female ones tend to accept the extramarital behavior easily.
2. Based on the dimension of “the attraction of extramarital relationships”, the undergraduates who are falling in love have more open-minded attitude toward extramarital relationships than those who are not , and tend to accept the extramarital behavior easily.
3. There is “low”, positive and significant correlation between the undergraduates’ “times of love” and “attitude toward extramarital relationships”.
4. The undergraduates who experience premarital sex have more open-minded attitude toward extramarital relationships than those who don’t, and tend to accept the extramarital behavior easily.
5. The undergraduates who experience cohabitation have more open-minded attitude toward extramarital relationships than those who don’t, and tend to accept the extramarital behavior easily.
6. There is “low”, positive and significant correlation between the undergraduates’ “parents’ conflict of marriage” and “attitude toward extramarital relationships”.
C. The influence of “different personal background” and “different family background” on ” attitude toward divorce”.
1. The female undergraduates with more open-minded attitude toward divorce than the male ones tend to accept the divorce behavior easily.
2. The undergraduates whose parents are divorced have more open-minded attitude toward the intention of divorce than those whose parents aren’t, and tend to accept the divorce behavior easily.
3. There is positive and significant correlation between the undergraduates’ “parents’ conflict of marriage” and “intention of divorce”.
D. The correlation relationship between the undergraduates’ “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce”
As a whole, there is low, positive and significant correlation between the participants’ “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce”. In other words, the more the undergraduates accept extramarital relationships; the more open-minded attitude toward divorce they have and the more they can accept the divorce behavior.
E. The explanation of “attitude toward extramarital relationships” and ” attitude toward divorce” by “different personal background” and “different family background”.
1. If the undergraduates are male, have premarital sex and their parents don’t divorce, then they appear to acccept extramarital relationships behavior easily.
2. If the undergraduates are female and have more times of love, then they tend to accept divorce behavior easily.
3. If the undergraduates are female, have more times of love, don’t have premarital sex and accept the extramarital behavior widely, then they appear to accept divorce behavior easily.
According to the findings and conclusions as above-mentioned in the study, it is indicated that undergraduates should learn how to get along with the opposite sex friends, have correct attitude and cognition of extramarital relationships and divorce. Be active in achieving a harmonious family and marriage based on the mutual duty and commitment. In addition, being parents, they are suggested to conduct their children how to run a successful family and marriage, and increase the intimacy by making constructive communication and resolving the conflicts of marriage peacefully, and guide them to develop good interpersonal relationship. As to the schools, they are suggested to have courses related to the field of family and marriage which meet the students’ need, to pay more attention and care to the students who suffer from single-parent families and parents’ divorce, to help the students establish accurate values of family and marriage, to reduce the negative influences of single-parent families and parents’ divorce. In one word, the students should learn the emphasis of family and marriage and make good preparation for the marriage life. |