摘要: | 敗血症是一種全身性的發炎反應。目前敗血症的病因不是很清楚,但部分原因和位於革蘭氏陰性細菌細胞壁上的脂多醣(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)或稱內毒素有較大的關係。紅麴為中國千年來傳統的食品發酵菌,它的二次代謝產物monacolin K,目前已被證實是降低膽固醇的生理活性物質。還有些文獻也指出,紅麴的代謝產物以及其還具有抗發炎的功效,如獨特的天然紅麴黃色素monascin和ankaflavin。本研究旨在探討補充紅麴粉末對脂多醣誘導的大鼠器官損傷的效應。
本實驗用四週齡Sprague - Dawley(SD)大鼠,隨機分為四組:控制組(補充生理鹽水,腹腔注射生理食鹽水),內毒素組(生理鹽水補充,腹腔注射LPS),低劑量紅麴組(餵飼一倍紅麴粉末,腹腔注射LPS),高劑量紅麴組(補充五倍紅麴粉末,腹腔注射LPS)。經過八週的實驗週期,SD大鼠禁食8小時,然後腹腔注射LPS來誘發敗血症動物模型。注射後18小時,密切觀察並記錄其存活率,收集血液樣本進行血清生化和全血球血液分析。結果顯示,8週後低劑量紅麴組體重顯著低於其他組別且在注射LPS後,白血球 (white blood cells, WBC) 計數也維持在一般的數量並沒有顯著的增加。在LPS組中,血清天門冬胺酸轉胺酶 (aspartate transaminase, AST) 、 丙胺酸轉胺酶 (alanine transaminase, ALT) 濃度、BUN等血清生化值均高於對照組。這個結果表明,內毒素注射引起器官損傷的作用。我們的研究結果還表明,低劑量紅麴組對LPS所誘導的器官損傷有保護的作用。然而,高劑量紅麴組雖然血清生化值也稍微降低但和LPS組並無顯著差異。這表明了,適當補充紅麴粉末能有效的保護 LPS誘導的器官損傷。
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory diseases. The etiology of sepsis is not very clear, but part of the reason is the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or endotoxin which is in the Gram-negative bacteria's cell wall. The Monascus species is a traditional Chinese food fermentation bacteria, its Secondary metabolites of Monascus monacolin K, prove to be a cholesterol-lowering substance. There are several lines of evidence proven that Monascus fermented products also has anti-inflammatory activity, such as Monascus unique natural yellow pigment monascin and ankaflavin. This study aims to investigate the effect of Monascus powder on LPS-induced organ injury.
Fourty male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into four groups: Saline-Saline (Saline supplement, Saline intrapertoneal injection), Saline-LPS (Saline supplement, LPS intrapertoneal injection), M1-LPS (one-fold Monascus powder supplement, LPS intrapertoneal injection), M5-LPS (five-fold Monascus powder supplement, LPS intrapertoneal injection). After eight weeks supplementation, SD rats fasting 8 hours and then subjected to receive intrapertoneal LPS administration. At 18 hours post-injection, we calculated the survival rate, and collect blood samples for serum biochemistry and hemocytometric parameters analysis.
Following 8 weeks one-fold Monascus powder supplement, the weight gain of M1 group was significant lower than other groups. One-fold dosage Monascus powder supplement also maintain normal WBC number following LPS treatment. The levels of GPT, CRE and BUN of LPS-treated group were higher than that of normal control group. This results suggest that LPS injection cause organ injury in rats. Ours results also show that one-fold Monascus powder attrnuate LPS-induced organ injury in rats. However, fivefold Monascus powder supplement with no protective effect on LPS-induced organ injury. In conclusion, appropriate dosage Monascus powder supplement improves LPS-induced organ injury. |