本計劃之目的為分析台灣的就業保險制度在「積極促進」治理原則下的實踐困境,分析導致失業給付領受者再就業成效不彰的制度性原因。計劃的研究內容,將先從理論概念層面,檢視「積極促進」與「積極公民權」概念的建構原則及概念內涵,進而反思「積極促進」就業政策在實踐上面臨的爭議問題;其次將從四個層面分析台灣就業保險制度的實踐經驗,第一,從制度的歷史變革層面,分析就業保險制度形成的變革歷程,導致失業給付領受者的權利與義務改變的制度設計內涵;第二,從制度規畫層面,分析就業保險制度在「積極促進」治理下,依照「個體化」與「例行化」原則所形成的治理機制,制定出相對較低的失業給付標準,緊縮「合適工作」標準與「請領條件」,而且設計了嚴格的尋職行為強制性規範;第三,在制度執行層面,分析失業認定制度對於失業給付領受者所採取的行政處份;第四,分析失業給付領受者身處在上述就業保險制度的規劃與執行的處境下,形成「消極性參與」的例行化尋職方式,以及對於就業成效不彰的影響。 This project aims to analyze the institutional cause of unemployment benefit recipient’s low re-employment ratio resulting from the practical dilemma of employment insurance institutions in the mode of activation governance in Taiwan. The main research contents including as follows.Firstly, reflect on the concept of ‘activation’and ‘active citizenship’and disputes of active employment policies practice.Secondly,analyze the practical experiences of employment insurance institutions in Taiwan from four dimensions.The historical change of employment insurance institutions, bringing forth the change of rights and obligations of unemployed ;employment insurance institutions according to activation governance, performing employment insur ance institutions were designed in accordance with “ individualization ” and “ routinization ” ,not only relative low unemployment benefits levels and strict job-search regulations but also tighten suitable job criteria ; the institutional performing dimention,analyze the administrative discretion of unemployment indentification ; analyze unemployed fall into the situations of routine job-search in the process of applying for unemployment benefits and the effects on unemployment benefit recipient’s low re-employment ratio of .