為了瞭解甲狀腺眼病變患者,臨床眼疾活動程度及甲狀腺自體抗體間的關聯,本研究評估41例患有甲狀腺眼疾患者之clinical activity score(CAS),並測量TSH receptor antibody(TRAb),antithyroglobulin antibody(ATA)及antimicrosomal antibody(AMA)值。CAS是依10個項目來評分:而TRAb,ATA和AMA 則是以放射免疫分析法或酵素免疫分析法來測量。分別將CAS值及上述三種甲狀腺自體抗體值做回歸分析之後,並無任何相關性(p>0.05)。本研究使用三種常見的甲狀腺自體抗體,皆未能證明其與甲狀腺眼病變的活動度有關聯。若以這三種甲狀腺自體抗體要來評估甲狀腺眼病變的活動度,並不合適。我們應找尋其他的新指標作為治療的評估與依據。
To investigate the relation between clinical activity score (CAS) and thyroid autoantibodies of thyroid ophthalmopathy, we measured the level of TSH receptor antibody (TRAb), antithyroglobulin antibody (ATA), and antimicrosomal antibody (AMA) in 41 patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy. The results of thyroid autoantibodies level were compared with CAS. Under the multiple regression and correlation analysis among CAS and the levels of TRAb, ATA, and AMA, no correlation was shown in this study. In conclusion, there is no correlation of thyroid ophthalmopathy among CAS and the levels of TRAb, AT A, and AMA in our study. If we use these three kinds of thyroid autoantibodies to match the activity of thyroid ophthalmopathy, it seems to he inappropriate. Further search of other simplified index to reflect the activity of ophthalmopathy should be encouraged.
The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 16卷10期 P.533-538