Energy intake is one of main factors for overweight and obese schoolchildren in Taiwan. In order to strengthen the teaching of portion size for controlling energy intake, the achievement of serving size accuracy assessed for grain and vegetable foods by using bowl was studied in fifth-grade elementary schoolchildren. The digital pictures including 4 and 1 portion sizes of grain and vegetable food as 1 serving size, respectively, were be taken and showed in the lectures. Three months after lectures, indicated weight (IW) as told was taken into bowls by schoolchildren to assess the accuracy of measurement tool. Although, the average percentage of weight (APW) for boiled rice in grain food was lower than 75% of IW, the APW for the other items of grain food was in the range of 75%~125% of IW. For the vegetable food, the APW for carrot taken into the bowl was 128.75% of IW. The APW of other items for vegetable food was all within 90%~110% of IW. When average percentage of weight error was within ±25% of IW, each of schoolchildren was given 1 point, the average and standard error of score was calculated as 7.5±1.47 points. These data showed that serving size of more than 2/3 food items could be accurately measured by schoolchildren when bowl was applied as a measurement tool. These results indicated that bowl could be a useful and acceptable measurement aid for assessing the serving size of grain and vegetable foods as indicated in this research. This result is also suggested to be a reference of nutrition education in the future.