摘要: | 1979年高雄市改制為直轄市後,市港合一即成為每一任高雄市長向中央極力爭取的重要施政目標,尤其每逢選舉,更是各候選人主張訴求的政見,藉以爭取選票,揆其原因不外乎高雄港在高雄市、港市相比鄰,渾然一體,密不可分,長期以來卻由交通部委託台灣省政府交通處管理,直至1999年因精省關係,才由交通部收回管轄,因為市港長期分離帶來許多行政管理及溝通協調的不便,港市無法整體規劃與資源共享,影響市港整體建設與發展。
經過研究發現,市港合一,用意及構想點雖佳,但因涉及修法,港務經費分配、專業技術領域及中央港務局員工航商、貨主皆反對等等因素,可行性並不高,行政院同意在高雄市的都市計畫與港的整體規劃部份的「市港建設合一」,也就是以「市港建設合一」,取代「市港合一」。 Since Kaohsiung city become a municipality in 1979,the merger of city and harbor has become policy goal,and successive Kaohsiung mayors have strenuously lobbied the Central Government to implement this plan. In recent election campaigns,many candidates have taken on the merger of city and harbor as a primary political policy in order to attract votes.
The main argument in favor of the merget is that Harbor is so close to City they are almost impossible to divide. Kaohsiung Harbor was formerly governed by the Transportation Bureau of the Taiwan Provincial Government under the auspices of the ministry of Transportation, until 1999, when streamlining plan. Another argument in favor of the merger is that the division between Harbor and City has created iong-term problems in administrative and interdepartmental communication, as well as making it impossible to achieve integrated planning and sharing of resources. Furthermore,the separation has affected overall development and construction in both city and harbor.
Should Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung Harbor merge? If so, how should the merger be executed? What is the best plan for the combination of city and harbor? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this proposal? All of these questions have to bo investigated further. In order to resolve these issues efficiently,this research undertakes an in-depth evaluation and analysis of the feasibility, effectiveness and impact of the merger, as a reference for the development of government policy.
This research adopts document analysis and qualitative research methods,as well as collecting data on foreign and domestic harbor systems and their advantages and disadvantages. The research also conducts in-depth interviews with personnel from the ministry of Transport ation, Kaohsiung Port Authority, Kaohsiung City Government and several scholars and experts in related fields. The analysis, based on local government theory and organizational change theory, provides a basic reference for developing the merger of city and harbor and defining the future organizational role of Kaohsiung Port Authority.
The research finds that merger of harbor and city is a good idea,but because it involves modification of law,budget allocation from the Port Authority, and specialized technology, and has met with opposition from workers in the Port Authority, ship and cargo owners,the possibility for success is not high. The Executive Yuan has agreed that a plan for the merger of construction of city and harbor should replace the proposal for a complete merger of city and harbor. |