本研究係以歐萊雅集團做為研究對象,資料來源來自Yahoo Finance,樣本期間為2013年7月31日到2023年7月31日共10年的時間。預期歐萊雅集團的參與國際時裝週與其報酬率之間存在著一定的正向相關性。時裝週期間,歐萊雅集團的品牌受到更多的關注和曝光,有助於提高品牌知名度和形象。這種增加的曝光可能吸引更多投資者的關注,進而產生積極且顯著的影響。
This study examines the relationship between New York Fashion Week and The Estée Lauder Companies. Introduced the importance of New York Fashion Week as one of the four major fashion weeks in the world, emphasizing its role in displaying fashion trends and influencing future styles. In addition, it also highlights the well-known cos-metics company Estée Lauder Co.'s participation in backstage makeup looks at New York Fashion Week, which seamlessly integrates with fashion design.
This study introduces the fashion week industry ecosystem, from design concept to product sales, and identifies the key roles of designers, models, media, retailers and consumers in fashion weeks. To delve deeper into this research question, we examine the impact of New York Fashion Week on abnormal returns for Estée Lauder Compa-nies stock. This section details how The Estée Lauder Companies participates in Fash-ion Week and how this involvement may impact the company's expected earnings.