摘要: | 「草山」原是陽明山的古名,冬季的陽明山經常低溫高濕,寒風細雨,雲霧瀰 漫,彷彿置身山雲中,若遇強烈寒流來襲,山上更偶可見白雪紛飛。春季是陽 明山傳統的花季,色彩繽紛的各種滿山遍野的緋寒櫻與杜鵑。夏季午後偶有彩 虹橋立於山谷上的景象。當秋季的芒草一片片隨風搖擺,紅紅的楓葉隨風飄 散,整座山峰都染上了金黃和紅色的色調,被譽為「草山秋色」。對筆者而 言,音樂不僅可以描述畫面,還可以表達情感,是一種媒介。不同的景色可以 用特殊的事物象徵,就像在寫故事一樣,讓聽者從聲音中慢慢展現出不同的畫 面和故事。 「草山韻」連結了音樂創作者對陽明山上景色的感動,描述了該山 四季的景象,並以每個季節寫下的曲子來呈現。每個季節有三首音樂創作,總 共十二首,分別描述山上生活的所見所聞。因此,激發筆者以「草山韻」為 題,創作陽明山四季系列的音樂作品。
因為疫情的關係,筆者在冬季的時候才來到台灣就讀, 所以本系列四季的順 序,是從冬天開始 。 本論文以《冬》、《春》、《夏》、《秋》一系列作 品, 每個季節呈現上述的創作意圖,講述其創作理念與編曲技法。
Yangmingshan, originally known as 'Grass Mountain,' is renowned for its cherry blossoms and azaleas in spring, golden and red autumn leaves, occasional summer rainbows, and cold, misty winters with the possibility of snowflakes. Music has the power to express emotions and symbolize various scenes, like storytelling, allowing listeners to imagine and experience different images and stories through sound.
The 'Grass Mountain Rhythm' is a music series inspired by the author's appreciation of the seasonal views on Yangmingshan. It comprises twelve pieces of music, with three pieces for each season, depicting what can be seen and heard on the mountain. The author was motivated to create this series after being affected by the pandemic and coming to Taiwan to study in the winter. The thesis explores the creative intent, the author's ideas, and the arrangement techniques for each season's pieces of music.
This thesis comprises three chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the research motivation, objectives, and methods, and discusses the 'Grass Mountain Rhythm' series of works. In Chapter 2, we examine the author's creative concepts, melodies, sounds, and arranging techniques in their piece 'Grassy Mountain Rhythm.' We will further discuss the utilization of different music styles and interpretations in relation to the four seasons. Chapter 3 integrates the above discussions to summarize the author's music composition, arranging techniques, and performance interpretations in the four-season series. This will enhance the author's future music composition skills and serve as a textual record of the current learning stage, laying the foundation for future creations. |