摘要: | 本研究旨在探討咖啡因漱口對龍舟選手兩次200公尺衝刺測驗的變化差異。方法:以12名優秀龍舟運動員為受試者,以單盲設計且隨機重複次序的原則,將所有受試者以隨機方式分配至三種不同實驗處理。受試者於標準化熱身後分別進行咖啡因漱口處理、安慰劑漱口處理與控制處理,咖啡因漱口處理以25 ml濃度2% 的液態咖啡進行漱口,每次漱口10秒,每次間隔50秒,於運動測驗前漱口7次,隨後立即型在龍舟划船機上進行200公尺最大衝刺運動測驗,實驗過程中記錄心跳率與疲勞程度。並於第一次測驗後30分鐘進行第二次測驗。結果:統計使用重複量數單因子變異數,以平均心率之高低順序依次為安靜心跳率 (咖啡因處理 vs. 控制處理 vs安慰劑處理,59.8 ± 8.1 vs. 60.7 ± 7.75 vs 58.9 ± 9.8 bpm,p > .05) 休息15分鐘平均心率 (咖啡因處理 vs. 控制處理,104.3 ± 14.0 vs. 104.7 ± 14.0,咖啡因處理 vs. 安慰劑處理,104.3 ± 14.0 vs. 104.0 ± 17.7 bpm,p > .05) 第一次運動中心率 (咖啡因處理 vs. 控制處理vs. 安慰劑處理141.8 ± 26.5 vs. 136.4 ± 29.1,147.2 ± 27.51 bpm,p > .05) 第二次運動中心率 (咖啡因處理 vs. 控制處理,157.9 ± 20.9 vs. 157.2 ± 17.9 vs. 154.5 ± 28.3 bpm,p > .05),均未達顯著差異。在第一次與第二次200公尺衝刺測驗的完成時間、頻率、平均功率、分段平均功率皆未達顯著水準 (p > .05)。第二次運動測驗後RPE達到顯著差異 (咖啡因處理 vs. 控制處理,18.0 ± 1.7 vs. 16.9 ± 1.4,p < .05) 其餘皆未達顯著水準。結論:咖啡因漱口處理無法提升龍舟運動員200公尺衝刺運動表現,咖啡因漱口處理會增加第二次測驗的運動疲勞程度。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the amount of variation of caffeine gargling on the two 200m sprint tests of dragon boat athletes. Methods: Twelve dragon boat athletes were assigned to three different experimental treatments in a single-blind design with random order of repetition. After the standardized warm-up, the subjects were given caffeine treatment, placebo treatment and control. The caffeine treatment was performed by mouth rinse 25 ml of liquid coffee at 2% concentration for 10 seconds each time with an interval of 50 seconds, and mouth rinse 7 times before the exercise test. The heart rate and exercise fatigue scale were recorded before and after the test. A second test was conducted 30 minutes after the first test, and the same indicators were collected as before the first test. Results: The mean heart rate in order of higher and lower mean heart rate after repeated measures of univariate variance was resting heart rate (caffeine treatment vs. control treatment vs. placebo treatment, 59.8 ± 8.1 vs. 60.7 ± 7.75 vs. 58.9 ± 9.8 bpm, p > .05) and resting 15-minute mean heart rate (caffeine treatment vs. control treatment, 104.3 ± 14.0 vs. 104.7 ± 14.0, caffeine treatment vs. placebo treatment, 104.3 ± 14.0 vs. 104.0 ± 17.7 bpm, p > .05). First exercise heart rate (caffeine treatment vs. control treatment vs. placebo treatment 141.8 ± 26.5 vs. 136.4 ± 29.1, 147.2 ± 27.51 bpm, p > . 05). The second exercise centrality (caffeine treatment vs. control treatment, 157.9 ± 20.9 vs. 157.2 ± 17.9 vs. 154.5 ± 28.3 bpm, p > .05) did not reach significant differences. Completion time, frequency, average power, and segmental average power did not reach significant levels in the first and second 200 m sprint tests (p > .05). The RPE after the second exercise test reached a significant difference (caffeine treatment vs. control, 18.0 ± 1.7 vs. 16.9 ± 1.4, p < .05) and the rest did not reach significant levels. Conclusion: Caffeine mouthwash treatment did not improve dragon boat athletes' 200 m sprint performance, and caffeine mouthwash treatment increased the self perception of exercise fatigue in the second test. |