「線上購物、到店取貨」(Buy Online Pick-up in Store, BOPS) 的商業模式已成為全通路下零售業數位轉型的重要趨勢。歷年來有許多文獻探究BOPS的策略與應用,但針對新興的電商自營門市取貨模式(Ship-to-Own-Store, STOS),以消費者的角度探討對新服務的採用意願,目前研究仍相當稀少。
本研究以探索式分析和橫斷面之研究設計,以便利抽樣方式進行消費者問卷調查,共發放605份問卷,回收605份。研究分析結果,研究問題一調查消費者採用電商自營門市取貨的動機,時間便利性、地點便利性、運費合理性與產品價值此四項因素對於使用意願有顯著影響;於研究主題二,欲了解消費者選擇到店取貨(Ship-to-Store, STS)的因素中,整體等待時間較長與取貨通勤時間較長、享有運費優惠、購買商品為平價品且較不具有時效性時,會較傾向使用STOS。
The business model of "Buy Online Pick-up in Store" (BOPS) has emerged as a significant trend in omni-channel retail. Numerous studies have investigated the strategies and applications of BOPS. However, there is limited research focusing on consumers' perspective regarding the adoption intention of the e-commerce vendor direct own store pick-up model (Ship-to-Own-Store, STOS).
The paper employs an exploratory and cross-sectional survey to investigate how perceived factors influence consumers' intention to use STOS, while also considering their channel selection behavior when utilizing the Ship-to-Store (STS) service. Our find-ings indicate that factors such as time convenience, location convenience, shipping fees, and product value significantly influence consumers' intention to use STOS. Additionally, it was discovered that shipping fee incentives and the purchase of less time-sensitive and lower-value products are important antecedents that influence their decision-making pro-cess.
The main objective of this research is to highlight the importance of market charac-teristics in shaping the development of BOPS. It also presents a distinction between BOPS and STOS by categorizing them based on the operational models of pickup loca-tions. Furthermore, the paper provides definitions for STOS and ST3PS (Ship-to-3rd Party Store). The implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed in detail.