摘要: | 本文主要探討伊斯蘭教法、所有權結構、現金持有與公司績效間之關係。此外,亦加入新冠肺炎(Coronavirus Disease-2019, COVID-19)因素進行探討,並以2012年至2021年印尼上市公司為研究樣本進行實證分析。
This study mainly explores the relationship of Islamic Law and Ownership Structure on Cash Holdings and Firm Performance. In addition, includes the factor of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) for empirical analysis with a research sample of Indonesian-listed companies from 2012 to 2021.
Based on past literature, this study hypothesizes that the relationship between cash holdings and firm performance is non-linear inverted U-shaped; this non-linear relationship remains when religion and ownership structure are included. In addition, this study further investigates the effect of COVID-19 to see if there is any difference in the relationship between religious influence on cash holdings and firm performance when the environment changes drastically.
This study’s empirical results show that the relationship between cash holdings and firm performance is non-linear and inverted U-shaped. When ownership structure is added, this non-linear relationship is still maintained and there are different effects in different ownership structures, including a non-linear inverted U-shaped relationship for institutional ownership and a non-linear U-shaped relationship for insider ownership, indicating that different ownership structures have different effects on the relationship between cash holdings and firm performance. When religion was added, the non-linear U-shaped relationship between cash holdings and firm performance was found for companies that follow Islamic Law, indicating that religion has the same level of influence on the relationship between cash holdings and firm performance. Finally, in the case of COVID-19, the occurrence of COVID-19 did not change the effect of religion on the non-linear relationship between cash holdings and firm performance, however, before the occurrence of COVID-19, this linear relationship was non-linear inverted U-shaped, and after the occurrence of COVID-19, it became non-linear U-shaped. The implication of this study in terms of academic research and management is that in emerging markets, religion, ownership structure, and COVID-19 have differential effects on cash management and the performance of companies. When making investment decisions, investors need to understand these differences to reduce portfolio risk and improve performance. |