摘要: | 2017年11月30日最高法院106年度台上字第3788號「GPS判決」,宣告使用GPS追蹤器欠缺法律授權基礎,並據此判處海巡人員妨害秘密罪刑;判決最後呼籲立法者應儘速研議制定符合正當法律程序及實體真實發現之法律,意外啟動後續科技偵查法制化工程。無獨有偶,2022年11月17日最高法院110年度台上字第4549號「M化車判決」,亦宣告使用M化車之秘密性科技偵查行為,涉及犯罪偵查效率與人民基本權保護等重要價值之衝突與抉擇,而科技偵查之種類、適用之犯罪類型與監督程序,及其使用方式、期間、蒐集資訊之保存暨使用、事後救濟與通知義務等事項之決定,宜由國會儘速以法律或法律授權就偵查機關所應遵循之程序及實質要件,予以明確規定而妥適立法。
According to the rule number 106-3788 of the supreme court in November 2017, which is also known as “GPS judgment”, it declares that using GPS tracking equipment is in absence of the base of legal authorization. The result of judgement suggests that law makers should enact the law in correspondent to the due process of law and laws that could find out the real truth, which accidentally kick off the legalization of technology crime investigation. Coincidentally,according to the judgment No.110-4549 made by the supreme court on 17,November,2022,which is also known as 〝M-car judgment 〞,it declares that the use of M-car as secretly technological investigation involves in the conflicts and choices between criminal investigation effectiveness,protection of basic human right and some other important values.
As for the types of technological criminal investigation,the corresponding types of crime,its auditorial procedure,and its way and period of use,the preservation and use of information collected, the administrative remedy,the obligation of noticing and so on,it is recommended for the legislature to enact a law appropriately which clearly regulates investigative unit as to which procedure and substantial requirement it should abide by as soon as possible.
On 8,September,2020 Ministry of Justice announced the draft of “Technology Investigation Law”, which stirred a chaos among the public. In the field of academy and practice, they both denied the draft. For instance, some argue the regulation should be incorporated to the Code of Criminal Procedure or Communication Security and Surveillance Act, while some argue that it would be better to enact a new law. In my viewpoint, I prefer the last one. It begins with the introduction of the rule of law and both of the theory and practice of technology investigation as well. Besides, I take the example of the dilemma we encountered while cracking down on the crime of drug smuggling. The investigation technology which the prosecutors and the police could utilize is quite limited, especially when the mobile communication and internet telephone become more and more popular that traditional surveillance on telephone is barely effective. Therefore, we are in an urgent need of legal authorization to utilize technology equipment such as GPS,M-Car, aerial camera, thermal imager or any other equipment to conduct communication surveillance so that it could enhance the effectiveness of drug crime countering. Following that I compare and illustrate the differences between the draft of “Technology Investigation Law”and technology investigation regulation among the Code of Criminal Procedure in Germany. Lastly I provide my suggestion on the draft of “Technology Investigation Law”. |