全球經濟危機因疫情嚴重破壞,上千家平面媒體不堪虧損熄燈,許多地區成了新聞沙漠。小成本的原生新聞網站大量興起,這些原生媒體,同樣面臨生存危機。尤其是堅持公共新聞精神的中小型非營利原生新聞網站,營收全靠捐款,經營更加嚴峻。本研究以不同屬性的國內三家非營利原生新聞網站為研究個案,分別是擅長調查報導的《報導者The Reporter》、擅長公益新聞的《Right Plus多多益善》、動物媒體《窩窩Wuo Wuo》,檢視三家非營利原生新聞網站何以異軍突起,做出質量俱佳的新聞,囊括眾多新聞獎項。他們如何創造出非營利原生新聞網站的社會影響力與經濟價值。研究結果發現,三家非營利原生新聞網站,皆以公共媒體之姿,建立與公眾對話平台。他們以成立Podcast、舉辦工作坊、授權新聞內容等不同於傳統媒體的行銷策略,以創新實驗精神,走出一條新路。三家靠捐款支撐營運的網路原生媒體,以「優質新聞內容」創造影響力,證明了「新聞內容」是新聞媒體永遠不變的資產。三家新聞網站行銷策略,始終保持活力、充滿實驗熱情。他們建立了非營利媒體的經營典範,可提供新聞網站創業者行銷策略的新思維。
The global economic crisis has become more severe due to the Covid-19 epidemic. Thousands of print media are forced to close down permanently due to the losses. Many regions have become deserted without news. A large number of low-cost native news sites have emerged, these native media too, are facing a survival crisis. In particular, small and medium-sized non-profit native news websites that adhere to the spirit of public journalism, whose revenues rely solely on donations, find their operations more severe. This study uses three domestic non-profit native news websites with different attributes as research cases. They are "The Reporter" who is good at investigating and reporting, "Right Plus" who is favorable at public news, and the animal media "Wuo Wuo". Researching the reason for the sudden emergence of these news websites, how they are producing high-quality news, and gaining many news awards. Also, how do they create the social influence and economic value of non-profit native news sites? The study results found that the three non-profit native news websites all take the posture of public media to establish a platform enabling them to communicate with the public. They set up Podcasts, held workshops, authorized news content and other marketing strategies that are different from traditional media, and blazed a new path with the spirit of innovation and experimentation. Proving that "content" is a never-changing asset of the news media. The marketing strategy has always been vigorous and experimental enthusiasm. They have established a model of non-profit media management.