第三方支付(Third-Party Payment)一詞最早出現於 2005 年瑞士達沃斯世界 經濟論壇上所提出之概念,藉由電腦網路及資訊處理技術,在銀行及商家之間建 立付款連結平台,實現從消費者到商家之貨幣支付、金流移轉、資金清算、查詢 統計之服務。第三方支付的興起在於解決「雙務契約無法達成同時履行」且「缺 乏買賣雙方信任基礎」 而設計的,其功能即由第三方業者提供買賣雙方履約之 保障,以減低消費爭議之風險。
臺灣電子商務產業發展雖然不亞於世界各國,然因政策及法制監理的限制, 加上消費爭議甚多,讓金管會以防制洗錢及網路詐騙為由,限制銀行與電商平台 業者合作提供金流移轉及帳戶儲值之服務,臺灣自此陷於法令監理的限制中,使 電商業者一直裹足不前,眼見世界各國的第三方支付產業帶來的龐大金流與商 機,臺灣電商服務業者積極尋求突破,終在業界高聲疾呼下,第三方支付專法「電 子支付機構管理條例」及相關子法再歷經長達五年的修法後,終於在 2015 年 1 月三讀通過,5 月底施行。然臺灣在第三方支付專法通過後,業者的批評聲浪及 要求修法的聲音卻不斷出現,許多學者認為主管機關如能減少過度干預及限制, 又能兼顧消費者權益保護、網路交易安全與電子商務科技創新,並尋求其間的平 衡點,是我國電子商務及第三方支付阿展的契機。
中國的第三方支付服務起源於 2003 年阿里巴巴集團推出的「支付寶」,主要 為了解決以往網路購物所發生的消費信用爭議,以中介身份提供供支付平台,保
障買賣雙方的交易契約得以順利履行。這樣的 「第三方支付」業務,隨著行動 裝置的普及,電子商務市場迅速飛昇。而中國的第三方支付業務,一直處在低度 監理的狀態。近年來,中國不斷增加對支付產業的監理力度為將蓬勃發展的第三 方支付產業納入管理,中國人民銀行在 2010 年 6 月 14 日制定「非金融機構支 付服務管理辦法」,並於當年度 9 月施行,該法使非金融機構提供的第三方支付 業務成為特許事業。截至 2016 年 12 月,中國共有 267 家支付機構取得人民銀行 的支付業務許可證。專法及監理的限制,未來勢必影響中國大陸支付產業的發展。 但不可否認的是,中國大陸的電子商務支付市場已隨著行動裝置的普及,網路快 速發展而更顯其重要性。
鑑於中國電子商務及第三方支付的發展,臺灣現在才真正邁入戰場,本文將 整理我國第三方支付目前發展情況和監理現狀,並比較中國學者對第三方支付行 業監理的研究成果及建議,借鑒中國第三方支付發展的基礎上,分析目前我國第 三方支付法律監理的問題,希望從中窺探臺灣在發展第三方支付可能衍生的金融 隱患和法律風險,提出未來修訂第三方支付法律監理之愚見,期能對第三方支付 市場未來監理政策的制定和監理體系的完善提供有價值的借鑒。
The term “third-party payment” firstly appeared on World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2005, based on technology of internet and information processing, such service builds up payment platform between banks and businesses, and provides a series of services including currency payment, cash transfer, fund settlement and data inquiry for consumers and businesses. The Third-party Payment is designed to resolve two issues “obligations of bilingual contracts can not be performed simultaneously” and “lack of mutual trusts”, and the function of third-party payment ensures the mutual obligations will be fulfilled in order to decrease the transaction risks.
Taiwan’s E-Commence development are not inferior to any other country in the world; however, due to the limitation on local policy and regulations, banking industry is forbidden by Financial Supervision Committee (“TSC”) to provide services of money transfer and value added accounts with E-Commerce businesses. Bound by strict regulations and supervisions, Taiwan’s E-Commerce business has become more hesitated to launch new services. With the incoming payment flow and business opportunity from the third payment industry in the world, Taiwan’s E-Commerce industry has tried its efforts to break through the limitations. Eventually, the Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions and relevant regulations (“the Act”) have been passed and promulgated in 2015.
However, the Act remained disputes and critics, because new developments such as Fintech have made the Act out of date and impractical. Now Taiwan’s E-Commerce development is blooming and challenging. If the FSC may decrease over-control and limitations, and figure out the balance by taking the aspects of the protections of consumers’ rights, security of internet transaction and innovation of E-Commerce development into considerations. Such shall be the most important issue of third-party payment, and the resolution depends on the wisdom of our government and legislators.