Tourism is one of the key industries for both Taiwan and Korea. However, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry for both countries became stagnant. Workers in the industry are required to have their no-paid leave or some of them even got laid off. Under this situation, the governments provided the economic relief package to help the workers out due to the pandemic. As the virus are still keep on spreading and becoming a long-term issue, “With-COVID” is one of the biggest issues we are facing. Workers from the tourism industry need to make their living while the public is desires for traveling. The tourism industry needs to transform under this situation and catch the changes in consumer preferences. In this post-pandemic era, technology and education training will be more important, governments should also launch the related policies and advices for accelerating the industrial recovery.
This dissertation are using document analysis method and divided into 4 parts. The first part of the thesis discusses the overview of the worldwide tourism industry. The current situations of Taiwan and Korea's tourism industries will be further discussed in the second part. The third part discusses the developing trends for the tourism industry in the post-pandemic era and lastly, suggestions on the policies that Taiwan and Korea's government should launch will round up the thesis.
This thesis is determined to analyst the changes in the tourism industry and the related policies launched by Korea's government with reference to the Taiwan government and tourism-related companies. This thesis can also be a guide for solutions and sustainable development if there are new-pandemics in the upcoming future.