The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between "PhoPhiKat" and health, and to explore the effect of "differentiation of self" moderate the relationship between PhoPhiKat and health. The research method used convenience sampling, and collects date by questionnaires through the Internet. Using “PhoPhiKat-45 of Chinese version”, “SF-36 Health Questionnaire”, and “Differentiation Self Inventory (DSI)” as measurement tools. Participants were college students aged from18-24. The total number of participants was 280 and the valid questionnaires were 251 (> 89.6%). Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were performed on the data to test the research hypothesis by using SPSS. The results found that both gelotophobia and gelotophilia have a negative impact on health, and Katagelasticism do not have a significant predictive relationship to health. The moderating effects of differentiation of self on the relationship between PhoPhiKat and health were not achieved significantly predictive effects. In addition, the research has also found that differentiation of self can positively predict the health of college students. The results of this study are helpful to understand the relationship between college students' PhoPhiKat and health, and the relationship between differentiation of self and the health of college students, and making a few suggestions for future research.