背景:100 公尺短跑運動追求在最短時間達到最快速度,並維持速度。然而, 目前針對複合式訓練 (Complex Training, CT) 方式提升短跑選手的速度仍有歧 見。目的:本研究旨在探究兩種不同複合式訓練對運動員 100 公尺分段成績之影 響。方法:招募 27 名 100 公尺青少年男子運動員為受試對象,採隨機分配方式 分成三組,分別為複合跳躍組 (Resistance Training with Jump, RTJ):重量訓練搭 配跳躍、複合衝刺組 (Resistance Training with Sprint, RTS):重量訓練搭配衝刺、 對照組 (Control Group, CG):僅重量訓練;每組各 9 名。本實驗為期六週,實驗 前後分別測試 100 公尺分段成績(起跑段:0-30 公尺、途中加速跑段:30-70 公 尺、後程維持段:70-100 公尺)。統計方法採成對樣本 t 檢定 (paired samples t-tests) 和共變數分析 (Analysis of covariance, ANCOVA);顯著差異水準設為 α= 0.05。 結果:CG 後測成績並無任何改善,訓練前後的成績均沒有顯著提高。RTJ 和 RTS 後測成績達顯著差異水準(F=4.418;p=0.025 < 0.05),其中跳躍組 0-30 公尺後 測成績平均提高 0.1178 秒,衝刺組 0-30 公尺平均提高 0.078 秒;然而,就 70-100 公尺分段而言,RTJ 與 RTS 對提升成績達顯著差異(F= 8.713;p = 0.002 < 0.05), 跳躍組 70-100 公尺成績提高 0.018 秒,衝刺組 70-100 公尺提高 0.013 秒。結論: 就 100 公尺短跑而言,採用重量訓練搭配跳躍的複合式訓練方法最具提升起跑段 (0-30 公尺)和加速段(70-100 公尺)的表現效果。
Background: 100-meter sprint performance pursued the highest speed within the shortest duration and maintained the speed. The current literature-reviews about the Complex Training (CT) emanating from resistance training intervention followed by different plyometrics that improved the speed of sprinters were still ambiguous. Purpose: This study examines the effects of different complex trainings on the split speed of 100-meter sprint performance. Method: Twenty-seven 100-meter male junior sprinters were recruited and randomly assigned into three groups individually: Resistance Training with Jump (RTJ), Resistance Training with Sprint (RTS); Control Group (CG): only weight training. The experiment was conducted for six weeks. The participants accepted the split speed of the 100-meter test (start phase: 0-30 meters, accelerative phase: 30-70 meters, and 70-100 meters). The statistical methods adopted paired samples t-test and covariance analysis (ANCOVA), and the significant difference level was set as α= 0.05. Results: It showed no improvement in the CG. However, the performance in RTJ and RTS enhanced significantly (F=4.418; p=0.025 < 0.05). As for the 70-100 meters phase, both RTJ and RTS could improve performance (F=8.713; p=0.002<0.05). Conclusion: So far as a 100-meter sprint event is concerned, the complex training of weight training intervention with jump may dramatically enhance the performance of the start phase (0-30 meters) and the accelerative phase (30-70 meters).