摘要: | 背景:法式對比訓練 (French contrast training, FCT) 是一種結合複合式搭配增強式訓練的爆發力訓練方法,但至今學術界仍缺乏運用該模式介入熱身的相關研究。目的:本研究旨在探討法式對比訓練對大專男子橄欖球運動員體能表現與延遲性效益。方法:招募19名 (年齡:20.4 ± 1.59歲) 具備一年以上阻力訓練經驗以及可執行兩倍體重背深蹲之大專男子公開組七人制橄欖球選手為研究對象;並檢測握把式深蹲 (hand-supported Hatfield squat, HS) 最大肌力 (maximum repetition, 1RM)。依重複量數與平衡次序原則分成動態熱身組 (dynamic warm up, DWU) 與法式對比訓練 (FCT)。FCT介入流程:一、利用85% 1RM 進行1次反覆次數HS動作,並搭配3次落地反跳 (50公分高箱);二、進行3-5次負重跳躍 (體重30%),並搭配彈力帶輔助上跳3-5次;共進行3循環。介入前、後1、3、7、12、15分鐘進行垂直跳、衝刺、T型敏捷等測驗。統計方法採用二因子混合設計變異數分析比較FCT與DWU介入前後之體能表現以及皮爾森相關係數分析兩組之離心轉換率與彈性指數。顯著差異水準訂為α = .05。結果:DWU在垂直跳高度 (F = 5.09, p < .001) 與功率輸出 (F = 4.65, p < .001) 的介入後第7分鐘與第12分鐘顯著優於第1分鐘前測。就T型敏捷而言,DWU (F = 35.52, p < .001) 與FCT (F = 20.16, p < .001) 介入後各恢復時間點皆顯著優於前測。結論:DWU相較FCT確實更能有效立即改善體能表現。因此,FCT較不適合作為橄欖球選手增益體能表現之熱身策略。
Background: French contrast training (FCT) was an explosive power training strategy combined with complex and plyometric training. Based on the current literature, FCT's intervention in the warm-up is still ambiguous. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the acute and carry-over effects of the FCT method on rugby sport-related fitness in collegiate men's rugby players. Method: Nineteen collegiate male rugby athletes (age range: 20.4 ± 1.59 years) volunteered to participate in this study. Participants must have above one-year strength training experience and do back squats at least twice the body weight. Before the experiment, participants aceepted the maximum repetition (1RM) in hand-supported Hatfield squat (HS). A repeated measurement and counter-balanced design were used to compare two groups: FCT (n = 19) and dynamic warm-up (DWU) (n = 19). The protocol of FCT was as follows: Firstly, participants started doing a single repetition of an isometric HS maintained for 3 seconds with 85% 1RM, and then, participants performed three drop jumps from a 50-cm height box. Secondly, participants performed 3 to 5 loaded jump squats with 30% of their body weight, and then participants performed 3 to 5 band-assisted vertical jumps. This protocol was repeated three times. A 2 (FCT vs. DWU) x 6 (timing) mixed analysis of variance was used to analyze the FCT's effects on sport-related rugby players' fitness. Meanwhile, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient assessed the eccentric utilization ratio (EUR) and elastic index (EI). The countermovement jump (CMJ), sprint, and T-agility were assessed before and post-1, -3, -7, -12, and -15 minute. The superior significance limit for every test was established as α=.05. Results: The height (F = 5.09, p < .001) and power production (F = 4.65, p < .001) of CMJ among post-3 and post-12 minute showed significantly higher than a post-1 minute. Furthermore, in terms of agility T-test, DWU (F = 35.52, p < .001) and FCT (F = 20.16, p < .001) appeared significantly and all rest period was .Conclusion: DWU is a more valid and effective strategy to improve sport-related fitness performance. Therefore, it was suggested that FCT not be adopted after the general warm-up as a conditioning activity to acutely enhance the agility and power production of jump in the following session for rugby players. |