力量感測器是人工智能中用來與外部環境進行感知的重要媒介,隨著機器人產業的快速發展,使得力量感測器的研究也越來越熱門,透過積層製造技術設計電容式力量感測器,利用上下電極及彈性結構的介電層組成的三明治結構,能同時具有製作簡單、製成快速和成本低的優勢。本研究以交叉型結構為基礎單元結構,提出三種型式的電容式力量感測器設計,感測器由印刷电路板和介電層組合而成,介電層以基層製造技術的熱熔融層積列印技術製作,列印線材採用熱塑性彈性體,整個感測器的面積大小為 20 mm×20 mm,感測器利用有限元素分析軟體以結構力學與靜電物理耦合方式進行模擬,模擬結果顯示設計的感測器型式 C 具有較佳的靈敏度10.245 fF/N。在拉伸試驗的實驗結果中,列印的填充密度愈大愈可以提高列印結構的機械強度,但強度與列印的填充密度呈現非線性式關係。透過自行設計的量測平台,在力量範圍 0 至 50 N 下,同樣地感測器型式 C 具有較佳的靈敏度 4.6~6.1 fF/N,但是感測器型式 C 因為結構較為複雜,列印的精準度較差產生有較多的牽絲現象,隨著感測器放置的時間愈久,因為列印高分子材料的吸水性,導致感測器的特性有遲滯效應,並且隨著感測器放置的時間增加而增加,以積層製造製作的電容式力量感測器未來可以應用於機器人手臂的夾爪,具有不錯發展性。
The force sensor is an important medium used in artificial intelligence to sense the external environment. With the rapid development of the robotics industry, research on force sensing has become more and more popular. The capacitive force sensor is made by additive manufacturing with a sandwich structure composed of upper and lower electrodes and a dielectric layer of an elastic structure. It has the advantages of simple fabrication, rapid manufacture, and low cost. In this study, based on the unit structure of the cross-type structure three types of the capacitive force sensor are proposed. The sensor is composed of electrodes of a printed circuit board and a dielectric layer of thermoplastic elastomer printing. The area of the entire sensor is 20 mm × 20 mm. The sensor is simulated by finite element analysis software with structural mechanics and electrostatic physics coupling. The simulated results show that sensor type C has a better sensitivity of 10.245 fF/N. In the tensile test, the higher the fill density is, the higher the mechanical strength is, but the relationship between the strength and fill density is nonlinear. Through the self-made measurement platform, with the force range of 0 to 50 N, sensor type C has a better sensitivity of 4.6~6.1 fF/N, but poor 3D printing with more stringing and poor surface due to the complex structure. The sensor has a hysteresis effect which increases with increasing the day. The capacitive force sensor made by additive manufacturing can be applied to the gripper of the robot arm in the future, which has good development.