摘要: | 臺灣自1994年發現部分建築物之混凝土中含有高氯離子後,由於其可能造成混凝土結構破壞,進而影響居住者與週邊環境之公共安全,因此備受社會關注。政府開始透過各種政策工具,諸如容積獎勵、稅金減免、補強及拆除補助等方式,試圖引導高氯離子建築物(海砂屋)停止使用,並進一步拆除改建。然而相關政策執行迄今已逾25年,都市中卻仍有為數不少的高氯離子建築物無法進行改建,嚴重影響公共安全;其原因為何值得探究。本研究透過對建築法系(海砂屋類)、都市更新法系及都市危險及老舊建築物法系等法系中,對於協助高氯離子建築物更新重建之比較研究,並採用半結構式專家訪談,透過各受訪專家長期投入參與海砂屋重建的經驗觀點之時間縱深,及其參與大量個案重建過程之廣度,據以進行本研究之歸納分析。也證實,現階段相關政策中,懲罰性政策對促進重建推動方面更為有效;亦對現有政策工具之增修、海砂屋集中分布現象提出具體建議要點,並為後續研究提出參考方向。
Since 1994, it was discovered that the concrete of some buildings contains high chloride ions, because it may cause damage to the concrete structure, thereby affecting the public safety of the occupants and the surrounding environment, so it has attracted much attention from the society.The government began to use various policy tools, such as zoning bonus, tax relief, reinforcement and demolition subsidies, etc., to try to guide high-chloride ion buildings to stop using and rebuild.However, it has been more than 25 years, since the implementation of relevant policies, but there are still a large number of high chloride ion buildings in urban areas that cannot be rebuilt, which seriously affects public safety; and the reasons for this are worth exploring. This research compares legal systems such as construction act (high-chloride ion buildings), urban renewal act and urban danger and old building act, and adopts semi-structured expert interviews. Through the experience of the interviewed experts’ long-term and a large number of cases about participation in the reconstruction of high-chloride ion buildings, the Inductive analysis of this study. It is also confirmed that among the relevant policies at this stage, punitive policies are more effective in promoting reconstruction. It also puts forward specific suggestions on the addition of existing policy tools and the concentrated distribution of high-chloride ion buildings, and provides reference directions for follow-up research. |