Due to the rapid development of transportation, there are more and more cases of cross-border crimes. The current international legislative trend requires countries to protect their national interests as much as possible. In addition to the principle of territoriality, all countries establish personal jurisdiction and protection in their own criminal laws. Jurisdiction and universal principles are used to assert their criminal jurisdiction. Among them, the civil law countries adopts the principle of nationality. However, common law countries, such as the United Kingdom, adopt a strict territorial principle.Based on the legal grounds of the "interest theory" of rights, this article analyzes the conflicts of criminal jurisdiction between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait from the perspective of the "personal principle" jurisdiction of international law.It turns out that, taking the amendment to Article 5 of the Criminal Law "Foreign Telecom Fraud Cases" as an example, it can be evaluated from two aspects. From the legal grounds of the "Protection principle" of jurisdiction, the crimes committed outside the country will not cause harm to their own country and the people living in that country. Taiwan’s revised Criminal Law lists telecom fraud cases as crime types under the protection principle, Such revision needs further discussion. On the contrary, if it is considered from the legal grounds of the " Nationality principle" of jurisdiction, the punishment of the criminal law person principle lacks a strong legal basis. Therefore, Taiwan's revised criminal law did not obtain jurisdiction in the form of "personal principle", and it is a correct legislative choice.