本研究採取問卷調查方式收集資料,變項有基本性別變項(性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、每月收入及每週運動次數)、市場導向(顧客導向、組織導向)、自變項2服務品質(有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性及關懷性)滿足及依變項續留消費意向。問卷量表經專家判斷效度後、資料收集後再以因數分析及Cronbach’s α作為建構效度和題項一致性信度。經因素分析以作為各量表的交叉檢核,結果市場導向分為顧客導向和組織導向二個向度;續留消費意向因素分析最後萃取為1個向度,以進行假設修訂及進一步驗證。
This study aims to explore the association of market orientation, service quality satisfaction and consuming retention intention. Due to COVID-19, the 150 subjects were selected from the adolescents members of one sport gym center by using quota and purposive sampling with 50% return rate and 100% valid response rate.
This study adopted questionnaire survey to examine the association of market orientation, service quality satisfaction and consuming retention intention. This study used experts as judgment validity ,factor analysis as construct validity and Cronbach’s α as the items consistency reliability. Finally after cross validating the scales used for this study, market orientation extracted two constructs--custom orientation and organization orientation; the consuming retention intention extracted one whole construct as the indicator.
This study used student t test, one-way between ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression to test hypotheses. The results turned out some hypotheses were supported and some not. The results turned out age made some difference on custom orientation; gender made difference on consuming retention intention; the frequency of weekly sport made differences on service quality and consuming retention intention; there were moderately middle-low positive correlation among market orientation, service quality satisfaction and consuming retention intention; consuming retention intention could be accounted for by the market orientation, service quality satisfaction with 41.4% variance. The conclusion and suggestion were drawn in accordance with the empirical findings.