如今,英語溝通在全球化的世界中扮演著至關重要的角色。因此,在許多英語教學研究中,英語溝通意願(WTC)被認為是影響學習的重要因素之一。而在越南,特別是在課堂環境中,WTC 尚未被認定是值得認可的因素。本研究旨在詳細地討論越南當地高中生的英語溝通意願,參與者有120為12年級學生。研究結果將能提昇 WTC 的理論應用於越南英語教學情境中,並進而為高中教師提出更新的課程設計方向,以提高學生在課堂內外的英語溝通意願。本研究採用自陳式問卷進行資料蒐集,並透過統計套裝軟體(SPSS)分析問卷結果。本研究的結果顯示學習者的意識對於英語溝通有明顯的必要性。此外,英語語法、詞彙和對話者對於高中學生的英語溝通意願有顯著影響。另一方面,學生的心理變相特質與性別等因素對於英語溝通意願則無顯著差異。
Nowadays, communicating in English plays a crucial part in the world of globalization and integration. For that reason, willingness to communicate (WTC)in English is considered to be one of the most significant factors in many pieces of research on English teaching. In Vietnam, especially in the classroom context, WTC has yet to be concerned with appropriate recognition. This research aims to propose a detailed discussion about the willingness to communicate in English of 120 twelve-grade students from Quoc Hoc Quy Nhon High school. The results can be valuable to raise more concern about WTC theory and concept in teaching and learning English in Vietnam, thereby suggesting new lecture designing ideas for high school teachers to enhance students’ willingness to communicate in and out of the classroom. The method to conduct this study uses a quantitative survey to collect data from self-reported questionnaires. Data were collected and analyzed by The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. In general, the present study’s findings show the learner’s awareness of the need to communicate in English. Besides, English grammar, vocabulary, and interlocutors have significant affection for Quoc Hoc Quy Nhon students’ willingness to communicate. Moreover, the gender scores for psychological variables have no significant differences in all factors.