台灣於2018年4月邁入高齡社會(aged society)。面對人口嚴重老化,突顯出高齡議題的重要性-孤獨;這種在社會中被孤立的孤獨,以及這些現象的相關後續健康問題。網際網路已然跟二十一世紀的人們有不可分的關係,不論是購物、交友、通訊,或是傳統的面對面交流。面對高齡化衝擊的社會與網際網路會有怎樣的火花。根據全國老人生活幸福感調查研究(2010)指出,我國高齡長者多「結交朋友」及與「家人相處」都是影響其生涯的兩項重要快樂指標。本研究探討中老年人透過網路LINE APP及網路互動而達到心理幸福感之高低層面。心理幸福感注重在面對個體所經歷之生活上的挑戰,個體透過此階段投入心力並發揮潛能,來達到生理層面之滿足及心理層面的成長,最終達到自我實現的階段。建議未來相關政府及企業因應網路世代的來臨,針對老人透過網路社群互動相關事物加以設計。
In April 2018, Taiwan’s population demographic began to skew towards a large elderly population. As a result of this change, the importance of the issues—loneliness, exclusion from larger society, and the subsequent health problems associated with these phenomena—faced by a growing aged population has been highlighted. The Internet is intimately intertwined with people’s lives in the 21st century, affecting all facets of society and interaction, changing traditional face-to-face activities in shopping, making friends, or communicating to a primarily online space. The National Survey on Elderly Life Happiness (2010) pointed out that two important happiness indicators that affect the lives of the majority of elderly people in Taiwan are "making friends" and "get along with family". This research explores how middle-aged and elderly’s psychological well-being is affected through use of LINE and online interaction. Results indicate that a sense of community fostered through LINE groups bolsters the psychological well-being by giving and receiving support, as well as meaningful interaction. Implications of these results lend themselves towards government development of an app like LINE to help with the aged population.