2015年美國糖尿病協會(American Diabetes Association, ADA)即提出,糖尿病患者醫療營養治療,(medical nutrition therapy)是重要的,魚類與足夠膳食纖維的攝取對於糖尿病患者是有益處,但鮮少有研究同時探討兩者對其血脂組成的影響。透過氣相層析儀分析,糖尿病患者魚類攝取狀況反映在其血漿脂肪酸組成,在膳食纖維充足攝取情形下,飲食魚類攝取高量者,有顯著降低糖尿病患者之血清三酸甘油酯,有利改善血脂效果。證實足量膳食纖維下,魚類攝取(特別是深海魚)有利於糖尿病患者血脂控制。
Medical nutrition therapy is paramount preventing diabetes. Fish and dietary fiber are beneficial for diabetes patients; however few studies investigated the effects of both of them on the lipid profiles among diabetes patients. We found that participants in high fish consumption with adequate fiber intake corresponded to a significantly lower serum triglyceride. Furthermore, plasma fatty acid fractions were significantly corresponded to the dietary fish consumptions. Considering these observations, it might be appropriate to recommend a higher fish intake with the adequate dietary fiber for patients who are at high risk of diabetes-related dyslipidemia.