摘要: | 李碧華是香港出名的才女,在不同的藝文領域中都有非常傑出的表現。她的作風低調,給人濃厚的神秘感,從她的散文作品可以幫助讀者更了解其內心世界。李碧華使用的散文語言簡潔、樸素而又優美,加上淺顯易懂,生活化的敘述,讓她的作品更貼近於普羅大眾。
Lee Pik-Wah is a well-known talented woman in Hong Kong and she has outstanding performances in different fields of art and literature. She always keeps a low profile so gives people a strong sense of mystery. Her prose works can help the readers to better understand her inner world. Lee Pik-Wah’s proses are expressed in concise, simple and graceful phrases. In addition, they are easy to understand and down-to-earth, which makes her works closer to the general public.
Her prose materials are taken from life, and she has unique insights into the world situation. The author systematically organizes Lee Pik-Wah 's proses and divides this thesis into six chapters:
The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly explains the motivation and purpose of the research, as well as the overview of the literature review, the research scope of the thesis, and the description of the research steps and methods of the thesis.
The second chapter mainly discusses the relationship between Lee Pik-Wah 's historical background and prose creation to understand her creation process and literary origin.
In chapters 3 and 4, Lee Pik-Wah 's prose connotation is analyzed and discussed according to several different subjects which are about personal affairs,Hong Kong,travel,food and drink,the relationship between gender and love, as well as art,politics,customs,and society. From the richness of her prose materials and the phased changes, we can see the changes in Hong Kong’s history and the influence of regime change on her writing subjects.
In the fifth chapter, Lee Pik-Wah 's proses are discussed on the basis of her writing skills and characteristics. They are good at quotation, clever use of puns, good use of symbols, magical use of metaphors, dismantling text, cleverly creating suspense, contrasting reflections, classification and comparison, Satire,etc.
The sixth chapter is the conclusion, which mainly summarizes the research results of this thesis and discusses the value of Lee Pik-Wah 's prose works.
From her proses, we can see that she presents Hong Kong citizens’ life experiences and feelings by means of narrating the social current events and the life feelings. The citizens’ memories that grow up together with Hong Kong are recorded so that the readers can understand and strike a chord with the proses.
Lee Pik-Wah has the large output of prose works and she creates works continuously for a very long time in her life, which makes her proses like a history of Hong Kong.She presents most of Hong Kong peoples’ local consciousness and personal freedom consciousness by debating social current events. Also, as a female writer, she descries modern women’s suffering of survival through her proses and displays her distinctive writing style and characteristics. To sum up, this thesis indicates the contribution of her proses to the history of Hong Kong literature. |